shorts on walls Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 shorts on walls 32 32 Tonight: Shorts on Walls at the Victoria Tue, 27 Nov 2012 14:00:59 +0000 [Read more...]]]>

Last minute call out for the Shorts on Walls animation event on TONIGHT (27th November) at the Victoria from 7pm. It promises to show a collection of local animators projected on the upstairs room of the pub.

Heres more info from the organisers Animation Forum West Midlands:

After much delay, Shorts on Walls is back for another night of fun, frolicks and animated films.

Pop along for free to The Victoria, Birmingham, on 27th November 2012 (7pm) and catch a screening of some great animated short films, all made in the Midlands.

To attend the screenings and meet some talented animators, simply reserve your place using the huge Register button above.

Click here to register on their Eventbrite and find out more.

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Links for 8 July 2011 Fri, 08 Jul 2011 20:57:30 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • Birmingham Loves Photographers
    “The idea will be that each month the group will get together for tea/coffee and a chat at 6/8 Kafe in the City Centre, and pairs will be drawn. Each pair will then get together in their own time and take a photo of each other”
  • Historic Dale End venue to reopen in Autumn | Counteract
    Three rooms with music and club nights. So the temporary arts venue thing fell through then. I wonder who’s backing this and what sort of bands/nights they’ll get down there, what with the Academy and Institute behemoths already battling it out
  • The Hearing Aid: Plenty more Swordfish (and gigs) in the city
    “after a little renegotiation with an understanding landlord, they’ve decided to stay open”. That’s good news
  • Shorts on Walls Open for Submissions
    Get yer animations in. Venue and date for the event itself TBC
  • Pilot Returns « Stan’s Cafe Theatre Company
    “11th August will see Pilot Night return @ A E Harris, co-Piloted by Stan’s Cafe”. One day I’ll make it to one of these
  • Radio To Go: In the Treehouse
    “Two soundcloud files: a two-part documentary. I try to tell the story of an evening at Paul Murphy’s Songwriter’s Cafe”
  • A free Bristow e-book: Concrete and Cocktails | Dirty Bristow
    “Can you drink in all of Birmingham city centre’s independent hostelries in one day? Yes of course, although it might not be sensible.” A free ebook for your delight
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    Fierce and Flatpack start today Tue, 22 Mar 2011 12:41:14 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Flatpack and Fierce 2011

    It’s festivals a gogo with the Fierce and Flatpack festivals kicking off today with a whole load of interesting stuff coming to Birmingham between now and Sunday.

    You’ll no doubt have done the decent thing and booked up a load of tickets for both of these already but, if not, there should still be time. I’ve had a nosey through the programmes and reckon that I’ll be going to the following:





    Installations and ongoing things that I’ll try to catch when I can:

    All subject to having to work to do and so on. Plus I’m not around this weekend, which is a shame because there’s some ace stuff happening.

    What are you going to be going to?

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    Flatpack 5 Mon, 28 Feb 2011 14:54:25 +0000 [Read more...]]]> The new site and programme is up for this year’s Flatpack Festival (23-27 March). Hoorah!

    Flatpack Festival

    I’ve had a brief skim through and, as with previous years, would recommend ignoring the titles (which tend to leave me going ‘Eh? Never heard of it’) and read through the descriptions (which tend to leave me going ‘nice, I reckon I’ll go to that too’).

    Of the things I’d already heard of, I’m looking forward to:

    And this lot looks good too:

    There’s also a Paper Party (as a kind of progression from last year’s Plasticine Party), a vintage mobile cinema and all sorts of other goodness. It’ll be great buy tickets and don’t forget to see the free stuff too.

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    BAFTA nomination for Brothers McLeod Thu, 15 Jan 2009 12:07:55 +0000 [Read more...]]]> ‘Codswallop’ by The Brothers McLeod has been nominated for a BAFTA in the category of Short Animation, pitching them against Aadrman’s Christmas TV big-hitter ‘Wallace and Gromit: A Matter of of Loaf and Death’.

    The short had it’s first screening at a 7 Inch Cinema event back in September. Ian gave some context to the film:

    Codswallop is based on a series of postcards Greg McLeod sent to his son, and it’s similar in atmosphere to their Spamland shorts. Some nice mucking about with splitscreen and stereo sound too, so we’ll have to make sure we don’t get our left and right mixed up.

    Also, Ian Ravenscroft interviewed Greg McLeod for 4Talent and they discussed Codswallop.

    If you want to see the short for yourself, go along to The Victoria on 14 March for the next Animation Forum WM event, Shorts on Walls (always recommended), taking place as part of the Flatpack Festival.

    Here’s the film’s trailer:

    It’s a heck of an achievement, so all the best to the Brothers on the night (8 Feb).

    (Via Louis from Dice Productions)

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    Reporting back from Shorts On Walls Thu, 01 May 2008 11:51:45 +0000 [Read more...]]]> I went along to the Animation Forum West Midlands event, Shorts On Walls, on Monday which was most enjoyable. The organisers were certainly pleased with how things went and have said so on their pleasingly blog-ish news page.

    Also on that page is the evening’s screening schedule with links to the animators’ profiles. I understand they were trying their best to accept last minute submissions meaning giving out a running order on the night wasn’t possible, so it’s good to see it here.

    It also helps me to pick out the films that I particularly enjoyed and give them an extra plug here.

    First up, ‘Don’t Touch’ by Louis Hudson from Dice Productions.

    The Nickolodeon-style anarchy of Pedro & Frankensheep from the Brothers McLeod was great and has apparently been picked up by CBBC.

    A name that cropped up again and again was Natalie Ann Hinchley. She has a credit on Pedro & Frankensheep, her Second Home Productions outfit produced the jaw-dropping ‘The Animal Book’ (only the trailer here but it’s still a treat)

    and, although I can’t find a video to embed, go and check out the Light House commissioned ‘Onions’ on Natalie’s website – animated bunnies are always a winner.

    I’m at risk of just listing everyone here so I’ll finish with a few quick mentions:

    • Although less polished, the video for Nyoto Ndogo’s track Dunia (remix) has a good energy about it and I like the song (presented by Andrew Burchell).
    • ‘What If’ by Mat Parker’s Short Animations 4 Education was uncomfortable viewing for the right reasons (trailer only on the site).
    • Steven Spencer describes ‘My Brown Friend‘ as a “dark exploration of addiction” which it is.
    • Finally, the YouTube embedding has been disabled but I’ll forgive that (just about) to mention ex-BCU MA student Guillaume Weiss’s ‘4:51‘ which I thought was just incredible.
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    Shorts on Walls Tue, 22 Apr 2008 12:53:21 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Animation Forum West Midlands are running an after-work (6.30pm to 8.30pm) event at The Rainbow in Digbeth on Monday 28 April 2008. It’s called Shorts on Walls and in their own words:

    Whether or not you actually make short films, Shorts on Walls is a great chance for animators to meet and network after work with other freelancers, animation companies and professionals over a mid-week beverage.

    It’s free to attend but please let them know if you’ll be going down. There are contact details and more info on the Animation Forum West Midlands website.

    Incidentally, props to AFWM for showing how this web promotion lark should be done – the news page of their site has an RSS feed and features a map of the venue. There’s also a Facebook group (with a list of participating animators/studios) to join as well as a newly-minted YouTube group.
