shams Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 shams 32 32 A couple of recommendations Tue, 17 May 2011 10:46:32 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Aaron Wright is something of a CiB alumnus having worked in the CiB Shop a year ago. He’s currently at the Live Art Development Agency in London and having a whale of a time from what I can gather.

Anyway, he emailed me to say there’s a couple of shows of particular note that are on in Birmingham in the next week or so.

Shams - Reykjavik

SHAMS: Reykjavik

This is at the MAC from today until Saturday. Aaron saw it in London the other week and says:

It was really great – innovative immersive theatre done with real style which was unusually matched with great content – one man starting a new life in Iceland. It’s only for 25 audience members at a time and you get to wear a nice boiler suit

nOSTalgie: a cabaret

nOSTalgie: a cabaret

This is on Saturday at the CBSO Centre. The blurb says:

BCMG presents an evening of political songs and new vocal settings, under the brilliant direction of Dominic Muldowney, former Head of Music at the National Theatre

Buy a drink, take a seat and be transported by our cabaret singers, Mary Carewe and Richard Morris, between 1930s Germany and contemporary Britain, during an evening of entertaining delights from both eras
