sham Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 sham 32 32 GOODS In Tue, 24 Jun 2008 10:03:38 +0000 [Read more...]]]> This one’s come to my attention a bit late and I’m struggling to find much info on it.  Praise be, then, to Nikki Pugh who has blogged about her involvement:

GOODS In: a one-day exhibition curated by Charlie Levine and Harminder Singh Judge.

This is a group show with the works chosen for the theme of “mechanics, engineering, the factory and multiples” in response to the location: a disused bed warehouse.

The warehouse can be found at 332-346 Moseley Road and the exhibition will be open from 4pm to 8pm on Saturday 28 June.

What’s also interesting is that the owner, Sham, is apparently working to turn the huge warehouse space into a viable arts venue of some sort.  Which should be supported, I reckon.

Nikki Pugh will be exhibiting some work there on Saturday before shows in Manchester and Germany in the coming weeks.  Read about that on Nikki’s blog.
