shahzia sikander Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 shahzia sikander 32 32 Video of Shahzia Sikander at the Ikon Mon, 04 Aug 2008 16:56:50 +0000 [Read more...]]]> It’s nice to see the peeps at the Ikon making more use of audio and video on their website.  The latest offering is a video documentary on the installation process and work of Shahzia Sikander whose exhibition, ‘Intimate Ambivalence‘ will be at the Ikon Gallery until 14 September.

Chris Keenan (Prime Objective) produced the video and talks about it on the Prime Objective blog.  You can see the video itself as the first part of a slideshow on the Ikon Gallery site.

Like I say, it’s good to see this sort of thing but personally I’d like to see a little more (demanding sod that I am).  In case anyone from the gallery is reading, here’s a cheeky wishlist:

  • Videos to be uploaded somewhere like Vimeo or YouTube so they can be embedded on other sites (like this one).  It’s free and I guarantee you’d get more viewers.
  • A media section with all your audio/video in one place – I found searching for past items (like the ‘In Conversation’ recordings) far too tricky.
  • Actually is anything happening with the ‘These Are A Few Of My Favourtite Things’ audio?  I was at Ian Francis (7 Inch Cinema)’s talk and saw it being recorded.  Why not use these sorts of things to make a podcast that people could subscribe to?
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