secret wars Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 secret wars 32 32 Phill Blake Wed, 13 Jan 2010 12:00:27 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Phill Blake has done a rather good job of describing himself on his website, so I’ll let him take over:

Phill Blake is an artist, designer and an illustrator from middle England who refuses to be tied down to one specific genre preferring to spread his talents over multiple art forms and retain an ever evolving style that is all terrain and knows no boundaries. His influences lie in street art, comics, hip hop or urban culture and the different sub cultures that emerge around the world.

His site’s also packed full of lots of lovely examples of his work like this one:

Leon Sparkes Fri, 08 Jan 2010 12:00:59 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Leon Sparkes is an artist, painter, illustrator, author, graphic designer and music composer who’s also done bits and pieces on interior design with The Rainbow pub and Saint Caffe in St Pauls Square. I’ll let Leon explain more:

I have merged various art forms creating my own distinctive art style, creating storytelling trends and concepts. I’m enthusiastic and hard working. I’m success driven and enjoy making a difference to my space and environment. My Incentive is driven on the basis of ergonomics, our enviroment and landscape.

You can check out more of his stuff on his portfolio site.

Secret Wars Birmingham – quarter final Sat, 10 Jan 2009 18:57:51 +0000 [Read more...]]]> secret-wars-birmingham

Secret Wars Birmingham is, well, I’ve leave it to the rather excitable blurb:

Secret Wars is happening right now, you just don’t know! Similar to Fight Club it thrives on word of mouth. Put simply, it is a war between artists. The ultimate question however, is who will reign supreme? The only weapon they carry is the Edding pen they hold in their hand.

In the dark backstreets of Digbeth, there’s a bright shining light and a large queue of excited people…

“This is Secret Wars. There can only be one winner…. paint will spill!”

“The World’s premiere street art competition, Innovate don’t imitate!”

The next event is on 17 Jan at The Rainbow and will feature the final battles of the quarter final round, with Tony Cryze vs Newso and Sam Bevlak vs Obenzah.

Here’s a video of what happened at the last event:

Secret wars Brum quarter final from Trav on Vimeo.

Newso – Bare Ape exhibition Fri, 01 Aug 2008 12:45:37 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Jibbering Art‘s next exhibition will focus on Newso who will be:

using this exhibition to bridge the gap between his alter-modern abstract, studio based paintings and his crisp spray paintings, that he creates on the streets of Birmingham

Newso won Secret Wars Birmingham at The Rainbow back in March, as covered on the Monorex blog and in this rather nicely put together video:

The exhibition starts with a launch night on 14 August and will be there until 24 September.  There’s more info and examples of Newso’s work on the Jibbering Art website.
