Sarah Lynch Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Sarah Lynch 32 32 2010 Year in Review: January Fri, 31 Dec 2010 13:07:44 +0000 [Read more...]]]> In January this year we introduced and thanked the first few CiB Supporters.

Congratulations were given to Raphael Selbourne for winning the 2009 Costa First Novel Award and we came across The Music Quarter, a new music blog.

Hustle made the move to the Midlands, we had a giggle with Kipple and the Emerging Festivals Fund was announced, with some of the fruits of that being revealed towards the middle part of the year. Leftfoot started their 10th birthday celebrations and our most popular post of the year was published.

Ian joined the CiB team, we got the first glimpse of WeVee and plans were announced for the CiB shop

We also waved hello to Jane Anderson, Mark Wilkinson, Lucy Pryor, Phill Blake, Helen Flanagan, Sarah Lynch, Jade Sukiya, Jodi Ann Bickley, Leon Sparkes and Luke Halliley.

We also said farewell to Neil Farrington.

Love to Print Patterns #1 Mon, 26 Apr 2010 11:11:11 +0000 [Read more...]]]> There’s a lot of illustrators getting all collaborative at the moment, what with the Not My Type project and this here news about the new thing from the Love to Print collective. Katie from Supercool has explained things better than I would:

Patterns contains loads of exquisite illustrations from five fantastically talented screenprint artists, who each have very different styles – Karoline Rerrie, Sarah Lynch, Ruth Green, Helen Entwisle, Daisy Whitehouse – and yeah, I did some stuff too. (Though I can’t call myself an artist!)

Love to Print Patterns #1 will be available at The New Art Gallery Walsall’s Artists’ Bookfair on 22-23rd May. If you can’t make it there though, watch this space for other ways of getting your hands on Pattern

Her post has photos too.

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Sarah Lynch Mon, 11 Jan 2010 12:00:43 +0000 Sarah Lynch is an illustrator and a member of the Love to Print collective, which is a project handily described on Shoulder to Crayon.

You can see some of Sarah’s ornithologically-inspired illustrations and screen prints on her blog.
