sandwell college Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 sandwell college 32 32 Martin Parr: Black Country Stories Mon, 25 Oct 2010 07:49:44 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Martin_Parr

Multistory in association with The Public present Martin Parr’s unique look at life in the Black Country. After spending a year documenting modern day society and culture, The Public are preparing to unveil this collection of over 750 photographs.

Parr’s process of documenting and recording is fuelled by his passion and a curiosity, taking inspiration from his surroundings.  His intimate approach, photographing his subjects in their own environment, gives him space to explore their lives and values in ways that often involve inadvertent humour.

Running alongside this will be an exhibition of photographs by students and staff of Sandwell College Photography Department. ‘Show Me A Secret’ will explore and display their own interpretations of Black Country life following Martin Parr’s mentoring.

Both exhibitions run from Thursday 11 November 2010 to Sunday 23 January 2011; opening daily, 10am – 6pm, and have free entry.
