sampad Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 sampad 32 32 Links for 6 July 2012 Fri, 06 Jul 2012 12:45:54 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • Notorious – music to taste wine by!!
    ‘The choir with a difference’ with their latest trailer. The show’s on Sat 14 July
  • Suki10c Promotional Video – YouTube
    Another very nicely done video: “See how we have transformed a derelict, crumbling, abandoned space into a creative, artistic and vibrant space, a space for all to utilise in Bohemian creative ventures”
  • Mandala
    “A fusion of international British Asian music, dance, stunning visuals and architecture”. Coming to Victoria Sq in September. This trailer’s really very nice
  • Spill films on The Space
    “Spill – a playground of dance, the Dancing for the Games project which has been touring the West Midlands over the last six weeks, has been made into a series of films and will be shown on The Space”
  • Zoe’s Magic Camera
    Zoe’s Magic Camera allows you to find hidden creatures in Birmingham as part of the outdoor performance festival, Six Summer Saturdays which is produced by Birmingham Hippodrome
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    KINO 10, Barber Institute and Sampad Tue, 24 Jan 2012 08:09:48 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Kino 10 barber institute sampad

    A moving image exhibition project, an art gallery and a South Asian arts organisation make for quite a nice banding together, I think.

    Tonight’s event celebrates Chinese New Year and Fake Magazine inform us that highlights will include:

    On the Way to the Sea, directed by Tao Gu which was screened at the Toronto International Film Festival, Vancouver International Film Festival, Sundance Film Festival and Rotterdam Film Festival in 2011. They’ll also be work by China’s most famous director, Wong Kar-Wai as well as animation by Royal College of Art alumni, Sharon Liu and Setaka Mizuno. They’ll also be plum wine and a live traditional Chinese musical performance in the interval.

    An open letter to mac supporters, customers and stakeholders Wed, 23 Nov 2011 08:31:44 +0000 [Read more...]]]> I’ve been forwarded the following which has been written by Anita Bhalla, chair of mac’s board of trustees. As it’s an open letter I figure there’s no problem with me reproducing it in full. Excuse me for dispensing with the usual blockquote rigmarole.


    Dear Friends, Colleagues and Supporters,

    As you may be aware, Birmingham City Council has recently launched a public consultation process on its budget plans from April 2012 onwards, and we thought it would be of interest to you as a customer and supporter of mac birmingham to hear how the city’s plans are affecting our work.

    mac reopened in May 2010 after a £15.2m redevelopment and refurbishment. Birmingham City Council played a major role in the development providing £6.7m of investment and delivering the project under their Partnering Framework with Thomas Vale Construction, one of the region’s award winning construction companies. The rest of the funding came from Arts Council England (£6.2m) and from a highly successful fund-raising appeal with donations from companies, individuals and grant-making trusts (£2.3m). Over 850,000 visits were made to “new” mac in its first year after reopening.

    mac’s finances are finely balanced in a mixed economy; in our second year since reopening 26% of our turnover is investment from the City Council. Since our much lauded reopening year our business confidence is established and a growing percentage of our income is earned from box-office, sponsorship and other commercial activities.

    As part of its response to the government’s public spending cuts, the City Council has already substantially reduced the amount of funding it gives to all the arts organisations in the city and in April this year mac birmingham’s grant was cut by 14%, a cash reduction of £107,000 per annum.

    To cope with this significant reduction in income we have driven further the plans which were developed prior to reopening, maximising efficiency, amending our programming plans and increasing our efforts to maximise all other income streams. Throughout the planning and delivery of the mac/sampad Building Project we sought to maximise future efficiency through, for example, creating a flexible staffing structure, delivering a cost-efficient building with an effective building management system, reducing our carbon footprint and our running costs, increasing recycling, using digital technology to manage our building and our communications. Our shared office space has also allowed us provide improved facilities for our partners sampad and for other artists, arts companies and community agencies who share the mac creative hub.

    Whilst we fully recognise that we cannot be exempt from the public spending cuts being imposed at the moment, there are few options available for further reducing costs without severely damaging our services. Whilst we continue to look for greater efficiencies and sharing of services we do fear that any further cuts in BCC funding will lead to a serious “downward spiral” in which the inevitable reductions in artistic activity will lead to lower earned income and funding. Further investment secured from additional sources may well then be withdrawn due to our diminished capacity to deliver our agreed programme.

    How you can help

    Birmingham’s arts infrastructure and activities have, for so long, been a vital tool in the city’s aim to improve the quality of life for its citizens, its inward investment performance and its status as a true global city. Evidence of the hugely beneficial impact of the creative industries can be found at

    City based cultural organisations contribute £271m to the region’s economy per year. This is generated from almost 2 million attendances, with arts attenders generating £40m in Additional Visitor Spend (AVS). This represents a return on investment of £29 for every £1 that Birmingham City Council spends on funding the arts.

    All of the city’s arts organisations believe that we are now at the tipping point where incremental reductions in costs are no longer achievable.

    If you share our concerns and would not want to see the City Council reduce its funding to the independent arts organisations any further, I would urge you to make your views known to the City Council before the end of November.

    You may have received a similar plea from other arts organisations and we would urge you to respond to any one of us. Representation needs to be made before the end of November in order to be effective.

    Thank you for taking the time to read this and for your continuing support of mac birmingham.

    Anita Bhalla
    Chair of mac Board of Trustees

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    The launch of IDFB 2012 Fri, 18 Nov 2011 15:09:01 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Yesterday lunchtime I went along to the launch of International Dance Festival Birmingham 2012. For the uninitiated, IDFB is a massive festival of dance organised by Dancexchange and the Hippodrome.

    There’s a good round-up of what’s being planned over on West Midlands Dance.

    IDFB 2012

    There’s plenty of good stuff lined up, but the bits that made me nudge the person next to me and go ‘huh, that’ll be interesting’ were:

    I like IDFB. It was probably the first one, back in 2008, that got me interested in dance in the first place. I then worked on the 2010 festival and managed to pack in 18 shows over the course of its month-long run. This one looks like being another good one.

    Mandala Mon, 07 Nov 2011 13:02:00 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Sampad are planning a new project:

    MANDALA is a unique and bold new collaboration fusing classical and contemporary South Asian dance and music with 3D architectural projection mapping.

    We plan to use one of the world’s most advanced real-time tracking systems to use the movement of the dancers, musicians and the audience to generate the imagery live, enabling you to push, pull and manipulate the building.

    Which sounds pretty impressive to me. They’re co-producing this with Seeper who are responsible for some of the most impressive projection mapping I’ve seen.

    They’re using Wefund to collect donations for the £5,000 required to make this happen. Donations are welcome and here’s a video explaining the project a bit more.

    Artists for schools Wed, 12 Oct 2011 08:28:27 +0000

    Sampad is looking for talented artists to deliver our wide-ranging education programme using South Asian music, dance, visual art, theatre, spoken word, storytelling, film, photography, animation and more.

    sampad artists for schools

    Sampad announces autumn schedule Thu, 08 Sep 2011 13:15:50 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Sampad, the Birmingham-based South Asian arts organisation, promises to deliver another season of varied entertainment with its new autumn schedule.

    The programme includes dance shows like the Diwali Sabha, and live music performances from Indian and Pakistani artists such as songstress Humaira Channa, and jazz clarinettist Arun Ghosh. There will also be daytime events such as Asian Autumn, “an uplifting afternoon of South Asian music, showcasing the Midlands’ best homegrown talent.”

    You can see the full programme of upcoming Sampad events here.

    Dancing at New Art Gallery Walsall Tue, 10 May 2011 07:07:16 +0000 [Read more...]]]> sampad have done a pretty nice video to round off their sampad dancedub project, (although the bit at 1.50 looked like an accident waiting to happen).

    From sampad’s blog:

    On 27 March, over 70 dancers of all ages, styles and levels of experience descended on The New Art Gallery Walsall for sampad dancedub, a new digital dance project, part of the Arts Council’s Arts Nation campaign.

    CiB links for 27 March 2011 Sun, 27 Mar 2011 22:47:33 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • We are Birmingham
    “as we approach the six month marker Jeff slash Dave brings the world up to date with how We are Birmingham is getting along”
  • Dudley festivals axed – Audiences Central
    “Dudley Performing Arts (DPA) have axed their Rock The Castle and summer festival, both of which take place at Himley Hall, Dudley and attract in the region of 5,000 people”
  • No Aloha
    New zine
  • Oxygen Theatre Company
    “Oxygen Theatre is a Birmingham-based theatre company that aims to produce provoking theatrical experiences that inspire, challenge and engage it’s audiences”
  • Artsfest 2011
    It’ll be on 10/11 September and applications for artists are now open
  • Studio Bonito’s whiteboard
    “Having moved into bigger offices at the beginning of march we have finally finished illustrating our whiteboard wall”
  • Brum museums to charge admission – Audiences Central
    “Charges for Aston Hall, Blakesley Hall and Soho House are set at adults £4 (concessions £3), children under 16 free, annual multi-site pass £16. Sarehole Mill has slightly lower prices of £3 for adults and £2 for concessions (“due to it being a smaller site”)”. Applicable from 1 April
  • Birmingham’s Fierce festival is a gem of local legacy-building
    “Fierce understands that it’s not just the party itself that matters, but the traces it leaves behind”. Lyn Gardner says so.
  • Madrid Digital Research Project #1 at Sampad
    Report from Lorna Hirst on a two-week placement at Medialab Prado
  • Jeff Stuka: Hidden Birmingham
    “Here’s a little tour I wrote for some friends once, a kind of lost heritage trail of some things I’ve found in my time here.  I enjoy it and perhaps you might too”. This is very good
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    Biting Back Fri, 11 Mar 2011 11:50:09 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Biting Back

    Today’s the last day for picking up discounted early bird tickets for Biting Back, taking place on 21 March:

    a one day event from Birmingham City Council, mac and Sampad that will address how arts sector professionals and individual artists can learn from examples of successful partnerships in austere cultural landscapes.

    Tickets will still be available, they’ll just be more expensive and saving money is the name of the game here. With less cash around to make things happen over the coming years, the idea is to hear from people (some from Birmingham, some from much further away) with practical experience of interesting partnerships and different ways of working.

    The schedule for the day is here. I’ll be there talking about what we did with the Created in Birmingham Shop last year. Friction Arts, Stan’s Cafe, the Flyover Show, La Tabacalera, MIR Festival and more will feature too.

    Biting Back is also on Twitter, Facebook and Lanyrd.
