salshan photography Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 salshan photography 32 32 A fantastic canvas for sale Wed, 21 Jul 2010 18:54:25 +0000 [Read more...]]]> We’re still in the process of giving back all the stock from the CiB Shop. One of the items in particular stands out – not because it’s the biggest (although it is) but because it’s amazing.

Back in January, The REP hosted Writing On The Wall which featured:

world famous aerosol artist, Mohammed ‘Aerosol Arabic’ Ali for a one-off evening of live graffiti-art and poetry in The REP’s due-to-be-demolished workshop

The workshop was painted from floor to ceiling – here’s a work in progress pic:

In fact there’s a whole website dedicated to the Writing on the Wall project.

The finished piece was photographed by SalShan Photography and reproduced on a canvas 2.5m wide and 50cm high. It’s beautiful and drew many an admiring look hanging in the CiB Shop just behind our till (not least from me – it’d look great in my house).

Anyway, it didn’t sell in the end and it’s currently sat in the office, which seems a shame. This should be taking pride of place somewhere.

Here’s Pete holding it up (in a somewhat Angel of the Midlands-type pose):

You’ll notice it’s still partly in it’s protective wrapper – we’re taking care of it. Here’s a detail (in case you didn’t get the scale of the original work from the first picture, that’s a door in the bottom right-hand corner):

And here’s the signature on the back – no. 1 of 50:

If you fancy owning this thing then get in touch. The price is £850. You’re welcome to come in and inspect the goods before buying.

Ah there’s a video too. Seriously, someone should snap this up.

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