rosie millard Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 rosie millard 32 32 Liveblog – creative industries election debate Tue, 20 Apr 2010 16:21:20 +0000 [Read more...]]]> At 6.30pm today I’m running a liveblog for International Dance Festival Birmingham at a debate that will look at the future of public investment in the arts. The Hippodrome are hosting and these are the panelists:

Journalist, broadcaster and author, Rosie Millard will chair the debate.

The politicians on the panel are, or have until recently been, party spokespeople for arts and culture. Marc Reeves has recently advised DCMS on new models of independent news provision. They’re all busy people at the moment so pinning them down can’t have been easy.

What would you want to see them asked? How far spending cuts are going to go? Whether encouraging philanthropy is going to help anyone other than large venues? What the heck they were thinking with the Digital Economy Act?

You can watch follow the debate on CiB below and chip in with any thoughts or comments as we go along. The liveblog has a page of its own here too.
