rob lindsay Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 rob lindsay 32 32 Pointe Blank – Hobson’s Choice Fri, 24 Feb 2012 08:27:11 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Pointe Blank launch

On Monday I went to the launch of the latest Pointe Blank project which featured illustrators creating posters in response to Birmingham Royal Ballet‘s latest production, Hobson’s Choice. You can tell I was there because I took a horribly grainy pic with my phone. That’s journalism, that is.

It’s the second time they’ve done this (last time it was Coppelia) and the folks behind it are Claire Hartley (who works at Substrakt and is largely responsible for the look of CiB) and Rob Lindsay who works at BRB.

It’s really impressive how they’ve managed to pull together work from some of the best illustrators in Birmingham – the collection’s worth seeing and is available in all it’s glory online at Please go check it out.

I’m always surprised that there’s so little in Birmingham that brings illustrators and graphic designers together. There’s some great talent around. Something should be done about it, I reckon.
