Richard Battye Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Richard Battye 32 32 Links for 2 June 2012 Sat, 02 Jun 2012 10:56:47 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • Capsule to curate the Library of Birmingham’s Opening Season : Capsule Blog
    “We are extremely proud to announce that Capsule have been appointed to curate the Library of Birmingham’s opening ‘Discovery’ season.”
  • A Brummies Guide to Birmingham
    “I’ve set this blog up really to document my mini adventures around my home city; to promote the good bad and the ugly parts of it; to give a sense of what goes in on in Brum, from the city centre to the suburbs I call home”
  • Richard Battye Photographer BLOG: BLP / BRB workshop
    Last night I had the pleasure of running a workshop for Birmingham Loves Photographers at the request of Craig Bush who is doing great things in the city for the photography community.
  • Twitter / Fusedmagazine
    “We’re organising a design and illustration festival in Autumn. Wanna know more/get involved kerry [@]”
  • Birmingham Community Safety Partnership
    I filled this out because walking through the city centre feels increasingly like that bit in Gladiators where contestants had to run down a channel trying to avoid being blocked by people who were all muscles and lycra. And who wants that?
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    Ballet in Birmingham Sun, 02 Oct 2011 09:03:11 +0000 Ballet in Birmingham is a nice little thing from Birmingham Royal Ballet and Richard Battye. Click the pic for info.

    Ballet in Birmingham

    Dance photography & competition Thu, 02 Apr 2009 16:39:03 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Richard Battye is one of Birmingham’s veteran photographers. A few years ago he had a very successful exhibition ‘This is England’ which showed at 14 UK galleries from North Shields to Mayfair. He even took it out  to Los Angeles and  became a visiting lecturer with Kodak. Past clients include: The Arts Council, Land Rover, Harley Davidson, Gibson Guitars, BBC, Channel 4, and channel 5’s The Gadget show, where Richard is ‘their favourite photographer’.


    He is now working on another project based around dance, but can’t come up with a title. He would like CiB readers to come up with a snappy title and the winning chosen title gets a signed print and invite to the private view when the exhibition launches.

    The work is around dance and was shot in Birmingham, you can view working progress here.

    Please put your ideas in the comments and remember to leave your email address (which won’t be shown). Good Luck!

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