questions Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 questions 32 32 10 questions for Birmingham’s independent music industry Sat, 16 Jan 2010 10:00:33 +0000 [Read more...]]]> After contact from a group drawn from Birmingham City Council and Arts Council England, The Music Network has asked 10 open questions to begin to determine an overview of the current state, needs, and potential of the independent music industry in Birmingham.

I’d hope there’d be lot of strong views in this area, so if you’ve got something to say, you’ve got until 24th January to respond. Below are the 10 questions, which are also available in a handy Google survey here.

1. In your view, what is the current state of the region’s “Independent Music Industry?”

2. What do you think are it’s immediate needs with reference to the areas that you are most familiar with?

3. As far as the region’s “Independent Music Industry” is concerned, what do you think shows the greatest potential for the next few years?

4. In recent years, there has been a range of initiatives and projects designed to support the development of music in Birmingham. Can you list 5 projects or initiatives that you think have proved beneficial to the “Independent Music Industry?”

5. Can you list any projects or initiatives that you think have proved “of little use or benefit” to the “Independent Music Industry?”

6. With regard to your answers to questions 4 and 5, do you think Birmingham should continue to pursue the idea of more initiatives and projects designed to support the development of music in Birmingham?

7. If you could make any changes to, or include any new ideas for, any “strategy for supporting the development of music in Birmingham” what would your top priorities be?

8. If you were given the task of evaluating whether a project or initiative had been successful, what would you suggest as the best indicators of success, failure, benefit or disaster for the “Independent Music Industry?”

9. As far as your knowledge or understanding of the region’s “Independent Music Industry” is concerned, what are it’s greatest strengths, and what are it’s greatest weaknesses?

10. If you could do anything to “support the development of music in Birmingham” what would you do and why would you choose to do that?

The Music Network would also like you to send any comments, links, articles or opinions that may be useful Otherwise, they say, “a decision will be made on your behalf without any reference to you, and you may not benefit from any strategy that gets agreed and put into action”.

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