project Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 project 32 32 Links for May 9th Fri, 09 May 2008 09:05:52 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • OJS Theatre – What’s On May to July 08
    Comedy and theatre listings for the Old Joint Stock Theatre during May to July 2008
  • Birmingham Words handover
    The National Academy of Writing/BCU are taking over Birmingham Words from 12 May. Good luck to all involved and I’m looking forward to seeing what the “new and exciting directions” involve.
  • International Dance Festival Birmingham – Collective Memory
    Wechtie is doing a fantastically useful collective memory for the IDFB. If you’ve spotted any online coverage then post a link in the comments on his blog.
  • Supercool mention Winnie O’Brien
    I like the look of Winnie O’Brien’s work but can’t find any information on her (yet). Props to Supercool for posting this.
  • New Ikon Eastside Space
    27 May sees Ikon’s itinerant Eastside programme re-open in a new location on Fazeley Street, Digbeth. It opens with Soi Project, an artists’ collective from Thailand and Japan.
  • Woom Gallery in the Jewellery Quarter
    Some interesting things happening here “the common thread being; the venue’s charm, underground edge and our input into aesthetics.. leaving the audience with the feeling of being part of something a bit special”.
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