project pigeon Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 project pigeon 32 32 On the Culture Show tonight Fri, 28 Oct 2011 16:02:59 +0000 [Read more...]]]> At 7pm on BBC2:

Michael Smith looks for the positive in what some consider Europe’s most boring city – Birmingham

Putting the ‘n’ into ‘BBC cuts’.


You can see this episode on iPlayer until 7pm on 4 November. It featured The Event (in particular, Creative Machines, Minimalist Sculpture at Curzon Street Station), Eastside Projects and Project Pigeon and was actually quite complimentary about the fringes of the city (although not the centre, which is probably fair enough).

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Boxxed set to close Fri, 23 Sep 2011 11:00:37 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Boxxed – the art, film, music and education venue on Floodgate Street in Digbeth – is to close its doors.

Drum & Bass Awards 2011

The venue – which hosted the shoot for Juice Aleem’s Rock My Hologram music video and more – made this announcement on their Facebook page:

It’s with a great deal of sadness that we have to announce BOXXED ceased trading on Monday the 19th Sept 2011. We’ve had fun and we hope everyone that experienced our unique space did too, but it’s time for us to bow out.

Massive thanks go to everyone that was part of our project, particularly Dave Checkley, Ksmk Neil, all the graff guys that painted our walls just for the love of it (especially Hoaks & Fluid), The Project Pigeon Crew and everyone that volunteered their time to help us out. You know who you are.

According to Digbeth is Good (hat-tip for posting about this originally), Project Pigeon, which is based on Boxxed’s Custard Factory grounds, will be unaffected for now and there will be a couple of closing parties at the venue to see it off in style. Inquiries should be directed to the Boxxed team on 07826 523 650.

CiB links for 19 May 2011 Thu, 19 May 2011 11:20:15 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • Job listing for Birmingham Contemporary Art Forum: Call for Proposals (The Event)
    Good to hear this is happening again, I liked the last one. “Birmingham Contemporary Art Forum is pleased to announce it is currently seeking projects from artists and curators in the UK for inclusion in The Event 2011, to take place 21 – 30 October”
  • Happy Birthday to Frilly! – blog – frilly
    A big happy birthday indeed to Frilly
  • Experiencing Burningham’s Live Graffiti Battle: Tagged@EXYZT
    “We hope Tagged@EXYZT opened new minds to street art and showed the soul and joy a community the city would rather not exist can create. For all of us involved it was an evening where Birmingham sparkled”
  • Presenting the world’s biggest art prize: the £175,000 Gulbenkian
    “Graham Vick and his Birmingham Opera want to turn Brecht and Weill’s political satire Rise and Fall of the City of Mahagonny into a multi-participant online production examining the survival of the soul in a virtual world”
  • Birmingham Hippodrome: Chief exec’s 10-year journey
    Interview with Stuart Griffiths
  • Desert Island Life « More Canals than Venice
    Jeans Retailer Promotion in Decent Line-up of Events Shock. Featuring Project Pigeon, Flatpack Festival, LOAF, Chicks Dig Jerks, Them Lot and Mr Hudson (NB – some, perhaps all, of this has happened already)
  • AE Harris
    The venue now has its own website
  • Pickled
    Based in The Oasis: “Here at Pickled, we aim to provide a hireable exhibition space for anyone in the arts. From the amateur to the professional, we want anyone with an interesting art idea or project to come along and exhibit their work”
  • The Style Kaleidoscope
    “A vibrant street style documentary of Birmingham, UK”
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    Project Pigeon: Workshops in Pigeon Keeping Fri, 18 Feb 2011 13:52:55 +0000 [Read more...]]]>

    Since we first introduced Project Pigeon, they’ve been busy working on their community pigeon loft, which looks to have had some interesting design suggestions. Tomorrow marks the first of their workshops providing a step by step guide to keeping pigeons.

    The workshops will take place from 2-4pm on the dates below, at Project Pigeon’s Loft, Milk Street, Digbeth, Birmingham (in Boxxed’s backyard opposite Birmingham Backpackers under a viaduct). It’s free to go along, but places should be booked in advance via email at:

    Here’s what they’ve got lined up through until April;

    Saturday 19th February:  Introduction to pigeon fancying

    Find out about the history of pigeon fancying, meet some pigeon fanciers and find out about why they keep pigeons, meet Project Pigeon’s birds and watch some pigeons fly.

    Friday 25th February:  A pigeon’s home and life

    This workshop will be focused on the different seasons in a pigeons life, from racing season to breeding season.  We will also look at the different kinds of pigeon lofts there are.

    Saturday 26th February:  Day to day pigeon loft management

    How to keep your pigeons clean and happy – from cleaning the loft to giving the pigeons a bath.

    Friday 4th March:  Making nest boxes and perches

    A woodwork session where we will design and make essential items for the inside of pigeon lofts and make any loft repairs

    Saturday 5th March:  Racing pigeons, Birmingham rollers and tipplers

    There are many kinds of pigeons, racing pigeons are used in racing, Birmingham rollers in sequence flying and tipplers in endurance flying.

    Friday 11th March:  A pigeon’s diet

    Like any athlete a pigeons diet is very important.  In this session you will find out about all the vital vitamins, minerals and foods needed to keep pigeons on top form.

    Saturday 12th March:  Veterinary skills

    Vets in the UK know little about racing pigeons, and if you took your pigeon to the vet every time there was something wrong it would cost a lot and wouldn’t be practical.  Learn about what kinds of injuries pigeon get and how you can help your pigeon.

    Friday 18th March:  Breeding

    Come and see and learn about squeekers (baby pigeons)!

    Saturday 19th March:  Training and racing

    How do pigeons find their way home?  How do you train a racing pigeon?  How do you win a race?!

    Saturday 2nd April:  Making a magazine about pigeons

    Help Project Pigeon design a magazine based on what we have learnt during the workshops.

    Saturday 16th April:  Come and watch a live pigeon race!

    You might have been to the horses or to the dogs but have you ever seen a pigeon race?  Now is your chance!  Please email if you intend to come to this because the time of the race will only be known on Saturday morning – the morning of the race.

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    Project Pigeon Thu, 13 Jan 2011 12:51:47 +0000 [Read more...]]]>

    Project Pigeon currently reside in Boxxed‘s backyard in Digbeth. Working with pigeons and people, they aim to bring about social change, and so are currently working on a community pigeon loft.

    Traditionally, pigeon lofts are designed to reflect the culture in which they’re located, and so in keeping with this they’re after the designs and ideas of local residents in order to build a loft that reflects all the different cultures in Digbeth and Highgate.

    They’ll be holding Community Consultation Days throughout February on the following dates for people wanting to get involved;

    • Thursday 3 February:  7.30am-2.30pm Eastside Cafe, 99 Coventry Street, Digbeth
    • Sunday 6 February: 10am-4pm Project Pigeon’s Loft, Milk Street, Digbeth (in Boxxed’s backyard, opposite Birmingham Backpackers)
    • Wednesday 9 February: 2pm-6pm Project Pigeon’s Loft
    • Tuesday 15 February: 7pm-11pm The Spotted Dog pub, 104 Warwick Street, Digbeth

    Designs can also be submitted to

    Eastside Café will be exhibiting designs between 9 -12 March, plus keep an eye on their Flickr photostream where they’ll be uploading entries.

    The pigeon loft will then be built between mid March and May 2011 so look out for further information.

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    Links for 20 April 2010 Tue, 20 Apr 2010 12:32:34 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • New ideas for Cinderella
    A Q&A with David Bintley about his new production for Birmingham Royal Ballet
  • April Meet ’em Up | Birmingham – 28 April
    The get-together for WM-based folks in the games industry rolls into Birmingham
    “yo, i’ve been running a little tape label for a short while now, im using this to post about releases, as well as put up interviews and writings that might be turned into an annual zine!!”
  • Project Pigeon News « We Are Eastside
    An update on goings on at the pigeon loft
  • Ideal Skateboard Supply
    The skate shop in the Custard Factory. I like their blog
  • Best Believe – Vans film premiere in Birmingham
    Amy says – “Just peeped this over at Ideal Skate Supply, looks like they have secured a screening of the Vans film just out. This is a high coo by any standard. The film will be shown at the shop down at The Custard Factory on 24th April”
  • Spaghetti Gazetti: Martineau 10 – the fight continues
    “This is a campaign which is trying to save the Martineau Centre, a building which belongs to Birmingham City Council on Balden Road”
  • Flip Animation Festival 2010 calls for submissions
    “FLIP, and the festivals organisers, would like to invite animators to submit animated films of up to 15 minutes in length”
  • The City Dream
    “A blog dedicated to reviewing and commenting on all things “arts” by a city life lad. Dedicated to theatre, modern / classic art, fashion, dance and all things cosmopolitan”
  • Moseley Folk Festival 2010 – Stewards
    “We are looking for a team of friendly faces to help during the festival. In return for two shifts of stewarding you can free entry for the whole weekend”. Get the form here
  • City of Culture – Talk to us |
    Some follow up from the post where I had a look at Birmingham’s City of Culture related stuff (unfortunately what I intended as discursive has been taken as criticism)
  • Digbeth is Good » Getgood Link: YouTube – CELLAR DOOR 2
    Nicky’s right, this does start off looking like something from a horror film. It’s the trailer for the new Rainbow venue
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