pete ashton Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 pete ashton 32 32 Written in Concrete Wed, 28 Mar 2012 11:52:44 +0000 Still Walking - Written in Concrete

Pete’s photos from Ben Waddington’s Written in Concrete tour as part of the Still Walking festival last weekend. Onna map.

Bring Your Own Beamer Thu, 16 Feb 2012 08:53:48 +0000 [Read more...]]]> BYOB Birmingham

BYOB Birmingham is a one-night exhibition where artists are invited to bring their own digital projectors (the beamer of the title) and explore the medium of projection by creating a collaborative happening of moving light, sound and performance.

Antonio Roberts and Pete Ashton are organising things and it’ll be presented by VIVID as part of the Flatpack Festival on Friday 16 March 2012.

If you’d like to get involved then details are on the website.

Pretty sure this is the first .gif on CiB too.

A message from Pete and Matt Thu, 26 Jan 2012 08:26:55 +0000 [Read more...]]]> I’m not really one for reprinting press releases that are sent to me but I’ll make an exception. Here follows a message from Pete.


I’m running a couple of courses which I hope will become regular monthly things.

The first is Matt and Pete’s Photo School (see poster)

Here we’re combining an academic approach to photography with the the practical peer learning of a Flickrmeet. As well as hobbyists we’re also looking to help those who can use photography better in their businesses or as a personal development course.

Through a combination of group teaching, personal goal setting, one-to-one mentoring and peer learning, Matt and Pete can help you become a better photographer, whether it’s for photos of your family or as a valuable business tool.

The first class in on Sunday Feb 6th at The Victoria from 12-5pm. The usual cost is £60 per head but we’re doing an introductory offer of £25 for February.

The second is Social Media Group Therapy (see PDF poster).

This is run with the Moseley Exchange and is aimed at the self-employed and small businesses who are having issues with their online activity. “Group therapy” isn’t just a joke. I think people’s problems, once unpicked, can be best be answered by those facing the same situations.

Social Media Group Therapy avoids the snake oil and magic beans of fly-by-night “experts” with a structured environment of peer learning led by someone who understands the pros and cons of the online world.

This course is on Tuesday March 6th at the Moseley Exchange from 6-8pm and costs £25 per person (£20 for Exchange members).

A video for Stitches and Hos Mon, 14 Nov 2011 15:06:29 +0000 Pete‘s made a video about the next Stitches and Hos.

Creative Times presents: The Beauty of Digital Wed, 09 Nov 2011 08:43:39 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Creative Times

Creative Times are doing a series of events around the country, with the first being a panel discussion at Fazeley Studios on Wednesday November 30 from 6.30-8pm. It’s titled ‘The Beauty of Digital: New technologies, old aesthetics and where the two meet‘.

Tickets are FREE and available here.

Here’s the info:

A panel of four, chaired by Creative Times editor Chris Sharratt, will share their own experience of the creative interplay between old and new, followed by an audience Q&A and a chance to chat in the bar afterwards.

The panel for the night is:

Pete Ashton, Blogger, photographer, ‘webmonkey’ and trainer (
Chris Unitt, Head of Social Media, Made Media Ltd (
The Brothers McLeod, BAFTA-nominated animators (

The event is supported by Hello Culture.

Pete’s making a few appearances this month, and I’m speaking at a bunch of things too. Say hi if you come along.

The launch of Birmingham Creative City Tue, 25 Oct 2011 16:24:39 +0000 [Read more...]]]> So I went to the previously-mentioned Birmingham Creative City launch at lunchtime.

I’d still struggle to explain exactly what it is, so here’s some blurb from the council’s press release:

The Creative City initiative will play a significant role by:

  • Creating a fund to build on existing public sector funding of the arts through loans, grants, match-funding and investments. The allocation of funds will be based on the potential for job creation and economic growth.
  • Outlining the vision for a new ‘museum quarter’, including a new museum of photography and the development of a new contemporary art gallery.
  • Exploring ways to unlock private sector and philanthropic support for culture, linking cultural development to wider economic growth.

So this was really the launch of an idea. In the way that Manchester has Media City and London has Tech City, Birmingham (if it wants it) could claim the title of Creative City.

Thing is, the designations of those other two seem to have been built on much stronger foundations (a strong BBC presence and an already burgeoning tech scene, respectively). All we seem to have at the moment is ideas, visions (like this one for a Museum Quarter), pledges and plans with comparatively little substance. Maybe’s it’s just early days, but if the intention of this event was to make people excited about the possibilities on offer then I don’t think it worked.

Maybe the more substantial conversations are all taking place behind closed doors this afternoon – but then I got the sense from others that therein lies the problem. Chatting to people afterwards actually left me kinda depressed by it all.

Personally, I’m not sure what to make of it and I’m pretty busy, so here’s the audio from the speeches that were made. Please have a listen (they’re all quite short) and I’d love to hear what you make of this in the comments below.

In typical Peter O’Hanra-Hanrahan style, I managed to miss the bit where James Yarker from Stan’s Cafe thanked Cllr Timothy Huxtable for name-checking his theatre company but asked him how he squared that with the council cutting their funding by 100%. The response is in the final audio clip above (although it does make for uncomfortable listening).

On the subject

It would be hugely remiss of me not to point out this rather angry post by Pete Ashton, many of the sentiments of which I would endorse.

A couple more links

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Metapod Connect Tue, 09 Aug 2011 22:31:56 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Four days of training to learn how to talk to people (or audiences/clients/peers/customers if you want to see them that way) about your art – in real life and online.

I rate Helga and Pete on those subjects and think there’s a real need for some people to get their heads around this stuff and see that it’s not as scary or difficult as they might think. That, and I’m still shaking my head at the berk who told me “Oh, I don’t do business cards” when I asked if he had any contact details.

More info (including booking) on the Fierce Earth website.

If want to read about the purpose of/thinking behind the course then Pete’s written about that here.

Well done, Pete! Thu, 12 May 2011 23:01:19 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Pete Ashton, occasionally of this blog, launched his first exhibition this evening at the Central Library. I couldn’t get there and was a bit gutted about this. However, there are photos up already courtesy of Fiona Cullinan and I’ve got until 17 June to get down and have a peek, so all is not yet lost.

Looking Through Birmingham-16

The exhibition, sponsored by The Royal Society For Arts West Midlands and Pure Planet Recycling Ltd is called Looking though Birmingham. Here’s some of the blurb from the EC Arts website:

Pete Ashton has created a series of slow animations consisting of sequential photographs shot through the artists own customised lens.  The lens is made from a vintage camera which forms a process called “Through The Viewfinder”. The slow animations will be displayed on salvaged CRT monitors that have been converted into peep-show machines.

A frequent subject of Pete’s work is “unnoticed Birmingham”, the patterns and shapes that emerge as the city succumbs to and builds on the entropy of progress. For this show he invites you to view Birmingham’s pedestrian flow filtered through a nostalgic, intimate perspective of inner Birmingham.  A second event will take place in June to view ‘outer’ Birmingham.

Looking Through Birmingham-19

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Biting Back chat Fri, 18 Mar 2011 11:53:07 +0000 [Read more...]]]> It’s the Biting Back event on Monday. An event about:

how arts sector professionals and individual artists can learn from examples of successful partnerships in austere cultural landscapes

I’m sure there are still some tickets available if you’re still thinking about coming.

The website’s been a hive of activity over the past couple of weeks, with links to similarly themed events happening around the country. Sandra Hall from Friction Arts has written about what she’s hoping to get out of it and Helga Henry’s written about why the event is important.

There’s also been some strong words from Pete in advance of the event.

Go and see Constance Brown Tue, 15 Mar 2011 08:23:49 +0000 [Read more...]]]> I went to see Stan’s Cafe’s The Cleansing of Constance Brown at AE Harris on Saturday. It was superb and I’d thoroughly recommend grabbing some tickets before it closes on Saturday. Unless it’s already sold out. By rights it should’ve done that long ago.

It’s probably better to go with no expectations/preconceptions of about what you’re about to see but, in case you’d rather take someone else’s word for how it good it is:

Book tickets here.


*Alternative titles for this blog post:

  • Knees up Constance Brown (didn’t make sense)
  • Constance-ly good reviews (just rubbish)
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