PechaKucha Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 PechaKucha 32 32 PechaKucha at IDFB Fri, 13 May 2016 11:28:36 +0000 [Read more...]]]>

Next week as part of International Dance Festival Birmingham, PechaKucha Birmingham present vol.14 of their events series.

There’s been four speakers announced, of a dance and movement theme:

  • Iris Bertz, an interpreter and visual arts producer, says “somehow dance has always been part of my life, but only recently I have discovered how important it is.” Her talk is titled Dance is Happiness.
  • Jaivant Patel is a dance artist, cultural producer and choreographer from Wolverhampton who’s be talking about his success engaging communities in South Asian dance in parallel with my own journey as an independent dance artist.
  • Richard Battye has worked as a photographer in Birmingham for 26 years and has carved a niche photographing dancers. He’ll talk about his technique and his landmark exhibition Still Dancing.
  • Julia Gilbert is a big fan of dance and music and will talk about the inextricable links between them, along with exciting examples of emerging technology that is enabling the creation of music through movement.

Tickets are available via tito.

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