notes Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 notes 32 32 Rogue Play’s Jingle Bells Thu, 09 Dec 2010 12:55:16 +0000 [Read more...]]]> jingle bells

RoguePlay are drawing 2010 to a close with “an awkward gathering of the RoguePlay family”, including all their regular events Rhymes, Notes and our Comedy Cabaret troupe, Funbags.

Jingle Bells is taking place on Saturday 11 December from 7pm at New Life Baptist Church, Kings Heath High Street.

Entertainment will be provided by a variety of performers, including music from Irene Aserie, David Sol and Zoidberg, comedy from Lady Josephine Whittle and Darla Daygwar, improvisation from The Funbags Comedy Cabaret and The Young Actors Company, Shakespeare from ElliNoire Midhani and spoken word From Sean Colletti, Andy Cook & Lorna Meehan.

For update announcements and more information on the line-up, visit the Facebook page. The event is free, but donations will be welcomed as part of RoguePlay’s fundraising,
