noel dunne Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 noel dunne 32 32 Predictions and resolutions for 2012 Tue, 03 Jan 2012 08:43:27 +0000 Creative Times have published some predictions and resolutions for 2012 featuring contributions from Noel Dunne, Katie Day and James Yarker among others.

Their hopes and aspirations cover better collaboration, apps for artists and a look at what to expect from Birmingham’s theatre scene over the coming months.

Have you got any predictions you’d like to make?

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Links for 14 January 2010 Thu, 14 Jan 2010 15:56:17 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • you thought we wouldn’t notice (link dead)
    Ouch. Dance company accuses Birmingham design agency of ripping off their work. Dom from Tak gently corrects them (see the comments)
  • Noel Dunne: Creative industries letting youngsters down over apprenticeships
    Good opinion piece from Noel
  • Unique hand drawn wonderland faith shoes
    Illustrator Sam Pierpoint has some hand drawn shoes up for sale on eBay (size 6)
  • An Endless Supply
    New website for the zine folks
  • The Lombard Method « More Canals than Venice
    “This Thursday until Sunday The Lombard Method opens its doors to welcome you to come and have a look at the studio and project spaces”
  • The Lombard Method
    “The Lombard Method is an independently run studio and project space led by 8 Birmingham based artists”
  • Interview with the Costa Award winning novelist Raphael Selbourne – Times Online
  • A decade of achievement in the arts
    “Arts Editor Terry Grimley looks back at the noughties”. Great reading
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