nikki pugh Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 nikki pugh 32 32 The Sanitised City Tue, 21 Feb 2012 11:41:43 +0000 Nikki Pugh’s talk at the last Birmingham Salon:

CiB links for 28 May 2011 Sat, 28 May 2011 12:01:29 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • VIVID exhibition: ECSTATIC (13 May-18 June)
    “a visual and sensory season of moving image works and intervention exploring heightened emotions and altered states”. What more could you ask for?
  • First Light Seeks a Media Production Company
    “First Light would like to commission a production company to produce ten ‘How to’ short films”
  • A New Generation of Live Artists | Platinum
    Fierce Festival are working with Sarah Farmer, Mark Essen, Rob Jones, Nikki Pugh, Alexs Wojtulewicz and Lucy Nicholls via their Platinum programme. You can see some of this at The Edge, Cheapside on 2 June
  • Burningham’s Exploratory Interventions 19-21 April 2011
    More Fierce. This is a nice round-up of what happened at the Burningham site. Some good pics too
  • The Art Bus | 383 Project
    Fun times on a tour of Birmingham’s galleries
  • The Most Important Cities In the Music Industry Today… – Digital Music News
    Birmingham’s at 12. I have no idea how they arrived at this but still, hoorah!
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    CiB links for 4 March 2011 Fri, 04 Mar 2011 11:27:03 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • Commercially Inviable Records » Here Come The Light Nights
    A free sampler of upcoming releases on the label
  • Wanted: Critical friends
    “BiNS is looking for contributors, willing to go out, and then come back, and write good criticism about what they found”. Splendid.
  • Why couldn’t I quote Charlotte’s Web on stage?
    Lucy Caldwell on copyright struggles encountered when writing Notes For Future Self
  • Nikki Pugh’s Colony Prototype | Hide&Seek
    “On Tuesday I went to Birmingham, to try out a protoype of Nikki Pugh’s developing project Colony.” From Holly at Hide & Seek
  • LOCKED OUT | The Abri
    “We need to keep the building, which used to be an old post office but is now privately owned, in the community.  We need a dentist and a GP, the building is ready for both.  We need a place where mothers, fathers, families, friends and local businesses, (who remain or will soon return), can meet, have coffee and relax with a book.” Help needed to take this social enterprise on
  • City TV Broadcasting
    “City TV Broadcasting Ltd has announced it will file an application to the Department of Culture, Media and Sport, to acquire television licences in a minimum of five cities across the United Kingdom.  It will locate its head of operations in Birmingham”
  • {placekitten}
    One for the web designers, courtesy of Mark James from Made. It’s “A quick and simple service for getting pictures of kittens for use as placeholders in your designs or code”
  • Where we’re at… « colour
    “After much reflection, we’ve decided to wind down our live activities for the foreseeable future.  We’re still very much interested in collaborations with other organisations, consultancies and guest DJ sets, but we won’t be putting on any of our own shows – only if something truly unmissable comes our way”
  • Complaints Choir of Birmingham
    This is from a few years back, but it’s the first I’ve heard of it
  • Fifty:Fifty partner announced
    “The Crafts Council and Birmingham Museums and Art Gallery (BMAG) will work together to deliver a major contemporary craft exhibition in autumn 2011. The exhibition called Lost in Lace”. BMAG was chosen from a shortlist of three institutions
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    Uncertain Eastside Sun, 19 Dec 2010 10:33:30 +0000 [Read more...]]]>

    Digbeth is Good linked to this publication, Uncertain Eastside by Nikki Pugh, the first issue of which is now out, offering a ‘critical questioning of the branding of a version of Eastside as the Cultural Quarter and of her relationship to it (or not) as an artist.’

    This is the first document in a series of unknown length recording the shifting landscape of the ‘Eastside’ areas of Birmingham. Including intersecting regeneration projects and plans for leisure, learning and transport developments, these are places with varying characters, histories and aspirations that are very much in flux.

    Uncertain Eastside: Document One 2009 is available through Magcloud, where you can also have a flick through the digital version.

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    Make-It Zone pics Fri, 03 Sep 2010 08:26:44 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Nikki Pugh went to the Make-It Zone open day at the weekend and returned with a load of photos. The sort of photos that made me go ‘ooh’ and ‘cor’ a lot (in my head, at least).

    The place screams ‘POTENTIAL’ (and also, in places ‘fixer-upper’) and they’ve got artisan workshops for rent.

    Here’s a slideshow of Nikki’s photos:

    Links for 18 June 2010 Fri, 18 Jun 2010 16:12:25 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • Bright space – Events
    Bright Space have a good list of events, some of which I’d not seen mentioned anywhere else
  • Researching cultural entrepreneurship by exploring discourse analysis and semiosis « Annette Naudin’s Blog
    Annette researches Cultural Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurship Education at BCU. I found this post interesting, although my head’s clearly been away from academic-land for a while – I had to squint at the longer words
  • An Endless Supply | Issue 14 Launch, Wednesday 16 June 6–8pm
    This launched the other day. Speaking of whom…
  • ARC #5 – curated by An Endless Supply « ARC’s blog
    “join ARC at The Vaults on Wednesday 30 June, 6-8pm, for ‘Peace Out June! (Piece in June)’, an exhibition curated by Robin Kirkham and Harry Blackett, the artists behind publishing collaboration An Endless Supply”
  • call for submissions « ARC’s blog
    “I am currently seeking submissions for an exhibition I am developing which explores the physicality of sound”
  • Ceramics in Birmingham | Birmingham Conservation Trust
    “Ceramic tiles cover walls and floors, roofs and pavements, furniture and stoves, and can be seen in churches, mosques, pubs, shops, hospitals and homes in Birmingham” Here are some examples…
  • genzai·chi » Prototyping games for the whale hat
    On Monday I went to a Pervasive Games Lab at the MAC, organised by Fierce with Hide & Seek. It was interesting and fun. Here’s Nikki Pugh’s write-up
  • ‘Rhymes’ Performance Poetry Special
    “After a brief interlude, ‘Rhymes’, Birmingham’s premier platform for Performance Poetry and spoken word is back with a special one-off format to celebrate it’s first year”
  • Screen WM – Driving innovation and excellence in screen media : Blogs
    “Professor Roger Shannon, Co – Exec Producer of the new music documentary, MADE IN BIRMINGHAM – Reggae Punk Bhangra”
  • Ped Shayer: More from Digbeth
    Some photos from the walls of the most decorated buildings around town
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    fizzPOP Howduino Tue, 10 Nov 2009 22:01:42 +0000 [Read more...]]]> fizzPOPHowduino

    The fizzPOP Howduino event takes place on Saturday 21st November, 10am – 5.30pm:

    It’s a free event that will bring together 40 people from different backgrounds to work individually and collaboratively on various projects based around the Arduino platform. (Arduinos are small microcontrollers designed for easy prototyping of things that have electronics/data that respond to things in the physical world and vice versa. In their own words: “It’s intended for artists, designers, hobbyists, and anyone interested in creating interactive objects or environments.”)

    The event will cater for people of all skill levels (we’re running introductory workshops for beginners too) with the main aim being to get people combining components – be they electronic or cardboard – and ideas to produce cool stuff.

    The workshop places have all gone now but there are still a few attendee tickets left. If you’re really keen to do a workshop then put your name down here and they might be able to free up some space.

    Ta to Nikki Pugh for sending the info.

    Free things to do this weekend Fri, 09 Oct 2009 10:41:33 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Bollywood Steps


    An outdoor dance spectacular that’s part of Birmingham Town Hall‘s 175th birthday celebrations. They’re hoping for up to have had up to 12,000 people take part. It’s being performed on Friday 9 October at 8pm and Saturday 10 October at 3pm and 8pm – and you can learn the steps half an hour before each performance.

    It’s part of the People Dancing programme and there’s plenty more info on and the Bollywood Steps website.

    Birmingham Poet Laureate Inaugral Reading

    Tonight, at the Library Theatre, our new poet laureate, announced yesterday as Adrian Johnson (ACE West Mids Literature Officer), will be performing for the first time in his official capacity.

    Info on the Birmingham Book Festival website.

    Goings on in Digbeth

    Nicky Getgood, on Digbeth is Good, has linked to a fair amount of interesting stuff happening:

    • Eastside Studio are holding an Open Studio on Saturday afternoon from midday to 5pm to ‘celebrate the completion of carving the ‘Rugby Writers’ commission’
    • Also on Saturday, VIVID are taking part in The Big Draw with a variety of artists getting visitors to interact with their work

    UPDATE – Oops, cheers to Nicky Getgood for pointing out the next one is on Sunday 18 October:

    • On Sunday Nikki Pugh is doing a GPS-assisted walk around “the perimeter of the regeneration area taking great care to stop, investigate, prod, document, tell stories about and explore things along the way”

    Also, see the comments for more free stuff this weekend.

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    An opportunity and an example Sat, 22 Aug 2009 17:42:00 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Okay.  Still trying to creep back into things after spending ludicrous amounts of time in a darkened room with no technology to make me worse.  If I’ve missed your ‘thing’ then sorry, and if you have a ‘thing’ you think is good, tell me about it!

    In the meantime, two things that compliment one another have come to my attention.

    Firstly, an opportunity:


    Call to Artists:

    Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to become a secret agent for a day in order to interrogate the public spaces of Walsall.

    Using the New Art Gallery Walsall as a base you will investigate the artist’s role in the post-industrial world through one of four methods:

    INTER?OGATION: CONSULTATION         (16/09/09)
    INTER?OGATION: INTERVENTION         (30/09/09)

    INTER?OGATION: WALSALL explores the impact that one artist (you) can make in one place, in one day.

    This programme of work is organised by Longhouse and the New Art Gallery Walsall, working with lead artist Anna Francis (who can also be found here), and is designed to investigate the impact of short, sharp interventions within the public realm.  Deadline for expressions of interest is fairly soon – 12pm Friday 28 August 2009 – so go visit the site to find out more.

    Secondly, I really enjoy the idea of creative practice being fused with more spy-like activities – interrogations and investigations.. where everyone gets to be a secret agent and have their own missions!  So for those of you whose toes are curling at me daring to mention WALSALL in a CiB post, I wanted to temper that with a signpost towards a great Birmingham artist – Nikki Pugh. I feel she really embodies this excitement within her practice, but best of all has taken the time to document in detail how she’s used this approach with great effect in her “How to Wow” series.

    Do you know of any other local artists who work in this way?

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    ARGs in Birmingham Sat, 20 Dec 2008 12:09:18 +0000 [Read more...]]]> I was chatting with Nikki Pugh at the Birmingham Social Media Cafe yesterday and we twigged that there’s probably enough people in the area interested in alternate reality games, or at least the idea of social games/playful experiences (per the Hide and Seek Festival), to merit a get-together.

    It’ll probably be in January some time. If you’re interested, or you know of anything going on already, then please say hello in the comments. I’ll put more info up here as and when.

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