natasha carlish Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 natasha carlish 32 32 A New Currency: Multiplatform storytelling and social capital Tue, 05 Oct 2010 07:59:30 +0000 [Read more...]]]> This may be of interest to anyone involved in storytelling, whether your platform is filmmaking, social media or gaming, Switchboard and Event with Me are teaming up with Power to the Pixel, to present A New Currency: Multiplatform storytelling and social capital.

The event is free to attend and takes place on 12 October, from 1 – 5pm at mac, hosted by The Producers Forum.

“Social capital” now has a very real value and multiplatform storytelling is increasingly the way to ensure that our projects are contemporary, compelling and wide reaching.

CiB’s Chris Unitt will be on one of the panels of guest speakers, along with Natasha Carlish, Nick Booth, Dave Harte, Julia Higinbottom, Pip & Lisa/Jenny and Helga Henry. They’ll be discussing how their experience in using social capital and multiplatform storytelling has lead to some exciting and innovative projects and new ways of working. The event will also feature a live and recorded web cast from the annual Power to the Pixel conference.

Book your place via their eventbrite page.

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Filming Turbulence Mon, 26 Jul 2010 08:09:30 +0000 [Read more...]]]> There was a film crew at the bottom of my road the other morning. I’m not sure what they were filming (it was Doctors last time) but there are a few crews filming in the city at the moment. Hustle‘s back and Helena Bonham Carter Carter keeps being spotted in Kings Heath minding her own business/filming Toast.

However, it’s the no-budget Turbulence that’s swamped my Twitter stream over the past couple of weeks:

TURBULENCE is a Musical Romantic Comedy. The project is a collaboration between the actors David Alwyn, Adrian Banks, Emma Devereaux, Connor Mills, Shay O’Driscoll and Sophie Waller (all recent graduates of Birmingham School of Acting) and BAFTA award winning producer/director team Natasha Carlish and Michael B Clifford. Other exciting collaborators in the project are Adam Regan and the Hare & HoundsThe Scholars and Katy Pryce

There’s no particular budget for the film but it’s great to see how many people have pitched in to get the thing filmed.


Things are being documented diligently on their blog, so have a browse through. There’s likely to be scope for getting involved if you fancy it – a Twitter search for #turbulencefilm should keep you up to date on that.
