natalie hinchley Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 natalie hinchley 32 32 Free advertising at the Light House Tue, 07 Oct 2008 14:44:10 +0000 [Read more...]]]> The Light House in Wolverhampton are offering creative start-ups the chance to advertise themselves on the Light House LCD Screen Network.

This is a great opportunity for any creative business, from production companies and graphic designers to photographers and more. The screen network covers the main Chubb Buildings reception and Lock Works bar which currently sees a weekly footfall of 1000 people. The building contains over 10 companies and the bar area is a popular venue for business meetings, wifi users and networking events.

If you are interested and require further information then please contact Fung Ye Tsang,

Whilst browsing about the site I noticed they’ve got a few short animations you can watch on their media page.  I particularly recommend ‘Onions’ by Natalie Hinchley.

Reporting back from Shorts On Walls Thu, 01 May 2008 11:51:45 +0000 [Read more...]]]> I went along to the Animation Forum West Midlands event, Shorts On Walls, on Monday which was most enjoyable. The organisers were certainly pleased with how things went and have said so on their pleasingly blog-ish news page.

Also on that page is the evening’s screening schedule with links to the animators’ profiles. I understand they were trying their best to accept last minute submissions meaning giving out a running order on the night wasn’t possible, so it’s good to see it here.

It also helps me to pick out the films that I particularly enjoyed and give them an extra plug here.

First up, ‘Don’t Touch’ by Louis Hudson from Dice Productions.

The Nickolodeon-style anarchy of Pedro & Frankensheep from the Brothers McLeod was great and has apparently been picked up by CBBC.

A name that cropped up again and again was Natalie Ann Hinchley. She has a credit on Pedro & Frankensheep, her Second Home Productions outfit produced the jaw-dropping ‘The Animal Book’ (only the trailer here but it’s still a treat)

and, although I can’t find a video to embed, go and check out the Light House commissioned ‘Onions’ on Natalie’s website – animated bunnies are always a winner.

I’m at risk of just listing everyone here so I’ll finish with a few quick mentions:

  • Although less polished, the video for Nyoto Ndogo’s track Dunia (remix) has a good energy about it and I like the song (presented by Andrew Burchell).
  • ‘What If’ by Mat Parker’s Short Animations 4 Education was uncomfortable viewing for the right reasons (trailer only on the site).
  • Steven Spencer describes ‘My Brown Friend‘ as a “dark exploration of addiction” which it is.
  • Finally, the YouTube embedding has been disabled but I’ll forgive that (just about) to mention ex-BCU MA student Guillaume Weiss’s ‘4:51‘ which I thought was just incredible.
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