music network Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 music network 32 32 Links for November 11th Tue, 11 Nov 2008 17:25:00 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • The Music Network want your music listings info
    Email your Tour Dates, Record release information, flyers, posters, and the rest to info(at) (take particular note of HOW they want your info – help them to help you)
  • Substrakt
    They’ve redesigned their website and it looks lovely
  • New Zealand / Birmingham Artist Residency
    Birmingham and U.K creative culture as experienced by Modulate’s resident artist Damian Frey from New Zealand
  • The headstone of John Baskerville
    Pretty fascinating stuff
  • What I was alive for
    Pete Green says “I used to be in a band called The Regulars. We made an album called Effortless. You can’t buy it any more because there were only 100 copies. But you can download it from this blog, one track at a time, and read the lyrics and notes and stuff”
  • Creative media networking event – Thurs 13th November
    It’s at Kings Heath Cricket club from 10am to 12.30pm. I think it’s being organised by Creative Launchpad but can’t find any info on their own website (or anywhere else) about it
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    Links for July 30th Wed, 30 Jul 2008 22:13:12 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • Music Network meeting Thursday 31 July 4pm at The TIC
    “The Birmingham branch of Musicians Union will be supplying luxury chocolate biscuits and good coffee for all. There’s food and drink afterwards supplied by the creative networks lot too. Come and talk about what you’re up to and meet some new people”
  • Rosie Kay Dance Company at the Edinburgh Fringe
    Rosie has been invited to show Double Points: K at the festival but could do with some support to help make it happen. Here’s the justgiving page set up for that purpose
  • Birmingham fails to make cultural top 10
    Paul Groves doesn’t know what to make of what purports to be a list of the UK’s ‘most cultured local authority areas’. Neither do I. Birmingham comes in 14th behind a slew of London authorities and Manchester
  • Baron Davenport’s Charity require someone to copy a (bronze?) bust
    If you can help, or if you know someone who can, then contact Marlene Keenan at or on 0121 236 8004
  • Moseley Folk Festival 2008
    “Moseley Folk Festival is again looking for smiley, happy people to help
    out at the festival”. Details via the link and/or email
  • Bobbie’s 1st Post
    Bobbie Gardner joins the Gigbeth bloggers
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