motionhouse Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 motionhouse 32 32 The Voyage Sat, 25 Feb 2012 10:16:41 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Although I made it along to the Pointe Blank launch on Monday, I missed the launch of The Voyage – a big, public spectacle taking place in Victoria Square over four nights (21 to 24 June) as one of the opening events for the London 2012 Cultural Olympiad.

It’s being produced by the Hippodrome and created by Motionhouse and Legs On The Wall. The latter’s website says:

It involves six performers from Legs, twelve from Motionhouse, a choir of 40, an all women brass band and 140 community performers. It is co-directed by Legs On The Wall’s Artistic Director Patrick Nolan and Motionhouse’s Kevin Finnan.

Sounds impressive.

Incidentally, this is a good example of how to do a website for a project that hasn’t launched yet. None of this ‘watch this space’ or ‘come back when we’re ready’ nonsense. Instead grab a website visitor’s contact details so you can let them know as soon as there’s any news.

The Voyage

Oh, and I’ve also been reminded that Stan’s Cafe are doing a Cultural Olympiad-related project called The Voyage. That one will be on 6 May.

CiB links for 11 March 2011 Fri, 11 Mar 2011 08:59:43 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • We Are Fierce – Open Invite to Flatpack & Fierce Festival Launch, Tues 22nd March
    Don’t forget to RSVP
  • YouTube – Motionhouse Machine Dance ‘The highlights’
    A dancing digger. Cool
  • Culture – Funding opportunities 2010 | EACEA
    Apparently something on this page says that Birmingham Rep have been given some European cash for ‘Four Cities, Four Stories’
  • Swede it! :: Become a star on the big screen at Broadway Plaza
    Re-make a movie lo-fi-style for Broadway Plaza, AMC Cinema and Kerrang. Submissions in by 20 March. Proceeds from the screening go to Birmingham Children’s Hospital. There are prizes too
  • Moqapi Selassie
    “a Rastafari dub poet, born and raised in Birmingham”, says the Apples & Snakes newsletter
  • GET A GRIP – An open call for illustrators, artists and designers
    “We’re looking for enthusiastic designers, illustrators and artists of all different styles and disciplines, who like our ethics and business, and reckon they’d be up for working with us.”
  • Inspired Designs
    “Inspired Designs allows users to search the decorative art collections held by museums services within the Black Country region”
  • 16 Days
    “For 16 days from April 1st 2011, Tether will be stationed at The Lombard Method in Birmingham. The Nottingham based collective will work towards creating 16 new works that seek to interfere with the Lombard Method and the way people interact and react within it”
  • Love Birmingham
    “I will try my hardest not to moan about the state of things as ‘Love Birmingham’ will exist to be a wholly positive collection concerning Birmingham.” Aw, shame – criticism is so hot right now
  • YouTube – Kerrang! Radio: Watville Primary School Sing Iron Maiden – Flight Of Icarus
    Kids at a school in Wolverhampton singing Iron Maiden. From the comments, it seems this vid’s very popular with Brazilian metal fans. Fancy
  • ]]>
    Coming up at mac Sun, 04 Apr 2010 09:30:08 +0000 [Read more...]]]>

    On 1 May 2010, mac will open its doors again and there’s a bunch of stuff going on to mark the occasion.

    There’s a celebratory gig featuring Misty’s Big Adventure, Vijay Kishore, and Kevin Dempsey and Joe Broughton, there’s Motionhouse’s outdoor dance spectacular Cascade, The City Sings, featuring the new anthem for the mac by Helen Ottaway, and a host of other things to take part in.

    But the fun stuff doesn’t stop there. Once mac is open, there’ll be a steady stream of events and interesting goings on to keep you going back to Cannon Hill Park for more.

    On the performance side of things, there’s Motionhouse’s multimedia dance Scattered, comedian Daniel Kitson’s 66a Church Road“return” by spoken-word artist Polarbear. In the visual arts and events spectrum there’s a discussion on the invention of the balti, an exhibition charting the history of sampad, and a debate on social media and globalisation.

    And don’t forget there’s a programme of events for families, learning opportunities and the cinema.

    For full listings and updates, be sure to check the mac website here.
