mohsen keiany Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 mohsen keiany 32 32 Art Fun with Mohsen Keiany Fri, 15 Oct 2010 11:58:10 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Art Fun takes place very Saturday at 11am – 4pm, at Nechells Green Community Centre. Led by international artist in residence, Mohsen Keiany, Art Fun offers a series of workshops and events for families, young people and adults, which are all free to attend.

Focusing on ideas and imagery of Islamic art, the project demonstrates the use of inspiration, using these shapes, patterns and colours in a contemporary way. The workshops will give you a chance to learn about basic art elements, techniques, materials and tools, such as acrylics, watercolours, collage and mosaics.

If you like the sounds of spending your Saturdays doing artsy things, find out more and book your free place by calling 0121 333 4173

In Our Backyard Fri, 02 Apr 2010 09:49:27 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Erdington, Perry Barr, Hodge Hill and Ladywood are among the areas that don’t get enough of a look-in on this blog so it was nice to pick up some blurb about a project called In Our Backyard which put artists in those areas over a year. The work produced will be at The Community gallery at BMAG from 10 April (not that I can find any info on their website, but that’s nothing new).

The artists who took part were Mohsen Keiany – an internationally-recognised painter and illustrator; video and film makers Reel Access (George Fleming and Laura Breakwell); Eleanor Hoad – a cultural eco-artist with a keen interest in permaculture and issues of sustainability and storytellers Annamation (Anna Conomos and Susanna Willetts).

Works produced by the artists and local communities include a large scale mosaic based on by Islamic calligraphy, created by family groups in Ladywood; a filming and photography project made by under 5s and their parents showing community perspectives of Hodge Hill; the planting of fruit trees in Erdington High Street town centre arcade and creation of a map of fruit trees in the area – and a story telling project in Perry Barr, which worked with community elders to hear their tales and then helped young people to learn and re-tell them.

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