millennium point Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 millennium point 32 32 Giant Screen is giant Sat, 29 Oct 2011 10:33:51 +0000 [Read more...]]]> The old IMAX Cinema at Millenium Point isn’t the IMAX any more, it’s gone independent and is now called The Giant Screen. I went along on Tuesday and can confirm they’re not kidding – it’s massive.

Here’s a fantastic picture of the screen itself (I’m available for photography commissions). It’s that big I couldn’t fit it all in. You can’t even see the sides.

The Giant Screen

CiB links for 8 April 2011 Fri, 08 Apr 2011 11:49:20 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • Keeping it local: regional theatre needs new media | Stage |
    “The challenge for arts organisations outside London is to embrace the blogosphere, and fast. I think we need to work hard to nurture the brave souls who are often spending their free time running what’s-on sites and blogs – invite them to our shows, treat them like proper journalists, buy them lunch, encourage our suppliers to buy advertising space on their websites, link to their sites from ours and so on. If we help listings sites and blogs to grow, we’re safeguarding the future of arts criticism.”
  • Sky Arts launches Ignition investment scheme
    £200,000 cash investment for six chosen projects, and bursaries of £30,000 each for young, talented individuals
  • GZA/Genius (of Wu-Tang Clan) | Hare and Hounds
    The GZA. In a pub. In a Birmingham suburb. For a tenner. How?
  • Fireworks, intrigue and change
    A thoughtful piece from Friction Arts’ Sandra Hall. Turning Point West Midlands are apparently lining up some specially commissioned essays from a range of people – looking forward to the rest
  • “Brum band The Toy Hearts had the following stolen last night: STOLEN GEAR – 6th April 2011 2 x…”
    Ouch. Have a look at the list, see if you happen see any of this stuff anywhere
  • Staffordshire Hoard
    New website for the hoard. Hat tip D’log for spotting it
  • Support Sound It Out (SIO)
    Petition for Sound It Out’s ACE National Portfolio application to be reassessed
  • Highbury Studio – Birmingham’s Top40 Artists
    A list of Birmingham artists who have had a Top40 record somewhere
  • Fullrange – Colman Getty
    Good follow-up from Lee Kemp on the Library of Birmingham PR contract thing. Includes an interesting bit on tender documents
  • The Catapult Club celebrates 10 years at Birmingham’s 02 Academy « Area Culture Guide
    Impressive stuff
  • Birmingham’s £25m academy
    “The academy, which is adjacent to Millennium Point in central Birmingham, is being created in partnership with London’s Brit School and Maverick TV”
  • We Are « Nomad Projeckt
    “The Nomad Projeckt is an artistic collective which specialise in the producing audio and visual work of all kinds inspired by old and new hip-hop movements, for details of our work have a look around the site.”
  • Twitter / David McAlmont: Birmingham is also confoun …
    “Birmingham is also confounding one’s expectations with its hot male totty count. I’m warming to the place.”
  • Turning Point West Midlands – Artists’ News & Opportunities Bulletin, 31 March 2011
    Loads of stuff in this. Worth subscribing to (it’s a PDF, btw)
  • Bank your thoughts: artists access to technology?
    “iShed ( is conducting a  feasibility study, supported by Arts Council England, into the potential of a web-based ‘Technology Bank’, where tech and related software can be advertised and offered on loan to creative projects in return for accreditation and shared learning”. Looks like it could be a good thing
  • The Blue Orange Theatre – Birmingham
    Funny – I was wondering about this place the other day. New theatre in Birmingham, due to open 13 April with ‘What The Butler Saw’ although I think there may have been a launch event last night
  • Fused Magazine – Fused at SXSW 11
    Fused went to SXSW and pointed a camera at bands and people dancing in the street
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    Continuum Thu, 18 Nov 2010 08:50:23 +0000 [Read more...]]]> continuum

    Continuum is an evening of experimental full dome, 360-degree, dance and visual arts based work taking place this evening at Thinktank Planetarium, Millennium Point.

    Continuum is a meditation on notions of beauty, perfection and difference. The focus is the human body, physically and digitally modified and transformed.

    Developed during residencies with the Medical Research Council, Virology Unit; Allenheads Contemporary Arts and Dance City, the evening will also host a screening of Written on the Body and Dance360, groundbreaking fulldome pieces created with local artists.

    Tickets are £3, and doors open at 6.30pm, for a prompt 7pm start. For more info and a preview video, visit Thinktank’s website.

    Animating the West Midlands Mon, 18 Oct 2010 07:53:38 +0000 [Read more...]]]>

    The next Animation Forum event is to co-inside with Flip Animation Festival on 4 November at 7.30pm – 10pm, Millennium Point.

    Animating the West Midlands is a free event which will feature locally produced shorts from Flip 2010, and an introduction to Second Home Studios’ Viral Kitchen scheme. You’ll also have the chance to catch up with fellow animators in the iBar at Millenium point.

    The event is open to non-members plus those without tickets to Flip. To reserve your place email with ‘Animating the West Midlands – RSVP’ in the subject line.

    For more information, visit Animation Forum or their Facebook page.

    British International Comics Show 2010 Mon, 16 Aug 2010 10:00:39 +0000 [Read more...]]]> British International Comic Show 2010

    Cooler than your average comic book convention, this years British International Comic Show 2010 is being held at Thinktank Millennium Point on 16 & 17 October.

    So far they have a whole bunch of comic legends announced as guests for the weekend, and are open to submissions for this years Portfolio Review.

    This is your chance to show your stuff to top commissioning editors in the field, in previous years aspiring artists have been snapped up by the likes of DC, Panini and Warner Bros at BICS, going on to launch careers as professional comics artists.

    There are still more events to be announced, so check their website for updates.

    Tickets are now on sale, with concessions for the kids, available as either full weekend or single day passes.

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    The Hello World conference Thu, 09 Oct 2008 13:25:49 +0000 [Read more...]]]>

    Hello World is:

    Birmingham’s international digital media conference, held at Millennium Point from October 23-24 as part of the Hello Digital festival

    Tickets at the talks are free but, given the calibre of some of the speakers (impressive bods from Flickr, Pixar, Channel 4 and so on), really will need to be booked online pretty sharpish.

    Here’s the line-up.

    Thursday 23 Oct:

    Friday 24 Oct:

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    Birmingham Music Network and Creative Networks Mon, 22 Sep 2008 20:01:54 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Two meet-ups on Thursday 25 Sept at TIC, Millennium Point (and the last Thursday of every month, come to mention it).

    From 4-6pm there’s the Birmingham Music Network with a networking event for the city’s music-related peoples:

    The Birmingham branch of Musicians Union will be supplying luxury chocolate biscuits and good coffee for all. There’s food and drink afterwards supplied by the creative networks lot too. Come and talk about music and what you’re up to and meet some new people

    Then after that, and until 10pm, there’s the Creative Networks networking event.  They don’t mention biscuits or coffee but do speak of “From Bedroom To Broadcast: How to break into TV and the battle to retain your filmmaking integrity thereafter” which is a talk by Lee Kern.  Lee recently set up a fake TV production company called Monkey Tennis to pitch ridiculous ideas to commissioners so he sounds ok to me.

    Both events are free.  Here’s the flyer for the latter:

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    Balena Project and Hello Digital Thu, 04 Sep 2008 18:25:24 +0000 [Read more...]]]> I’ve been feeling a bit off-colour the past couple of days, so apols for the lack of decent posting.  If anything’s going to raise my spirits it’s the prospect of a sodding great whale and a huge robot both turning up in the city.  It’s like Power Rangers or something.

    The former comes courtesy of Claudia Losi’s Balena Project as presented by Ikon Gallery (and previously alluded to).  A 25ft cashmere whale will be deposited by the escalators in The Mailbox from 24 Sept to 26 Oct.  This is what it looks like:

    Hmm, so it doesn’t look like a fearsome, city-levelling villain, more like me flopped on my sofa feeling sorry for myself.

    Meanwhile, flyers for Hello Digital (a mere 6 weeks away and still no-one knows quite what it is) will apparently be distributed around the Bullring tomorrow by a giant robot.  Brilliant!

    I’ll write something about Hello Digital when I know what’s going on but details have been trickling out:

    • It’ll be happening predominently at Millennium Point and will be free to attend
    • SCAMP will kick things off on the first night with an “electro-acoustic and live visual performance”
    • An international digital conference called ‘Hello World’ will take place on 23-24 October
    • There’ll be an interactive ‘Field of Light‘ from the Plus Expo people, controllable via a microsite (this sounds dead cool)
    • Capsule’s ‘Home of Metal‘ project will launch at Wolverhampton Art Gallery on Saturday 25 Oct
    • Baskerville: The Animated Movie will get it’s premiere
    • Killriculum seems to involve getting kids to watch scary short films while lying in coffins
    • Digital Storytelling is “a touching vision of the world we live in”. Hmm, sounds very worthy
    • The Light House in Wolverhampton, in association with 4Talent, will be screening “contemporary and classic film from the Film4 back catalogue”

    So far the Hello Digital blog and Twitter are up and running and the main site is due to go live any minute now.  Meanwhile here’s the flyer:

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