martyna baker Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 martyna baker 32 32 Speak Up Fri, 16 Dec 2011 00:43:11 +0000 [Read more...]]]> The other night I went to Speak Up at the Hare and Hounds – a night of poetry, spoken word and music with a little bit of crazy dancing thrown in for good measure.

Polarbear at Speak Up

It was good – the place was busy, there was a nice, relaxed atmosphere and the performers were an entertainingly mixed bunch. I’ve seen Polarbear a few times and usually enjoy his stuff so it was good to catch him again. I’d heard of Byron Vincent but hadn’t expected him to be quite so funny as he was. On the musical side of things, Tom Peel was a revelation, Martyna Baker was impressive and there was a young lady called Mahalia who blew everyone’s socks off.

Everything was admirably compered by Jodi Ann Bickley and Matt Windle, who were both very good too. A good night out, all told. Keep an eye out for the next one of these (if there is one – hopefully there will be).

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