martin mullaney Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 martin mullaney 32 32 CiB links for 4 February 2011 Fri, 04 Feb 2011 14:11:57 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • If Birmingham City Council meetings were televised…
    Not strictly arts/culture related, but if you only click one of these links, click this one. Includes chicken dancing, physical abuse of the Respect Party and what gold dealers in the city can be like
  • Why are Birmingham’s Hackers letting FizzPop die?
    Thanks to a bit of nudging from afar, it looks like FizzPop/a Birmingham Hack Space might be back in some form
  • A Sneak Peek Inside New Library of Birmingham
    References to ‘sneak peeks’ in my RSS reader went into overdrive the other day with lots of people posting a CG fly-through of the new library. Nice big escalators.
  • Nigel Singh to step down as CEO – Audiences Central
    “Audiences Central today announces that Nigel Singh is leaving the organisation after three years as Chief Executive Officer”. Due to a serious family illness – best wishes to Ni
  • Behind Gamer Camp: Nano on Vimeo
    “This short promotional documentary about the Gamer Camp: Nano course ran at NTI Birmingham in November to December 2010, to help prepare graduates for working in the games industry.”
  • Team Gozooheck Presents ‘Kung-Fu Night’
    An (early) evening of workshops, networking, screenings of 3D animations and shorts from around Birmingham as well as classic kung fu films and free Marvel comics. There’s also something about a Film Society and Festival but I can’t quite tell how that fits in
  • Culture chief won’t rule out Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery charges in future
    BMAG could be merged into a trust with Thinktank . “Martin Mullaney confirmed moves are under way to form the Trust during questions at the City Council but added that there are currently no plans to end free admission.”
  • Simon Clarke Video Production
    I liked the vid for Munroe Effect
  • Rhubarb Seminars
    Rhubarb Rhubarb are doing a one-day artist development event in March. It’s a similar format to one they ran in London last year that seemed to go down very well (click the link and scroll down the page to ‘The Crossing’)
  • Events – Architecture WM
    A list of architecture-related events happening in Feb
  • Bursary opportunity for West Midlands museum staff
    “OpenCulture is the annual international event for Collections Managers, Curators, Registrars, Archivists, Librarians. Renaissance West Midlands are offering 10 free bursary places to museum staff or volunteers who work at a West Midlands Museum”
  • Soldier On
    “I’ve seen some of the best bands in Birmingham play to a handful of people. It’s actually quite sickening. A terrible waste of talent”.
    Ronan is in a band called Nerve Centre and blogs about that and unsigned music in general
  • Call For Submissions – Crowd6 Online Gallery
    “Crowd6 will soon be launching an online gallery, showing artwork made specifically for the web. This might be time based, code based, illustrative or performative”
  • February at VIVID – We Are Eastside | Birmingham
    “VIVID kicks off its 2011 programme with the launch of ‘The Garage presents…’ a brand new strand of one off events embracing music, live arts, installation, performance, and films”
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    Power videos Thu, 05 Aug 2010 12:00:34 +0000 I’ve just noticed that Paul Hadley’s been interviewing people named in the Birmingham Post’s Power 50 and has managed to get hold of quite a few of the creative nominees. Here are a few:

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    Funding for niche festivals Tue, 12 Jan 2010 09:02:23 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Cllr Martin Mullaney has announced the Emerging Festivals Fund – grants of £500 to £4,999 for new niche festivals. Applications have to be in by 4 February, which seems like incredibly short notice for what this is. More details here.

    Might this be useful to the folks at the recent The Challenge of Change event? So what sort of small festivals is the city currently lacking?

    It’s probably worth seeing this in light of the comments from Neil Rami of Marketing Birmingham that I linked to the other day. When asked which cities have marketed themselves effectively through culture he named Barcelona, Berlin, Glasgow and:

    Rotterdam, as they have come from nowhere. They have spent eight years capacity building their ability to host festivals and in that time have gone from something like 8 each year to 109. They saw festivals as a way of building a career for an artist and for telling a story. They now import festivals, poaching them from other cities as well as starting their own.

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    Festival Street, big cash and dress codes Fri, 20 Nov 2009 10:44:35 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Digbeth High Street – Festival Street

    The idea was put forward by Cllr Martin Mullaney on The Stirrer the other day – Millennium Square is going to be unavailable soon as it’s being turned into a park. Of course, this suggestion came in the aftermath (and I don’t think that’s a completely unreasonable phrase to use. Or would ‘debacle’ be better? ‘Embarrassment’, maybe?) of the Christmas Lights switch-on.

    A fine question from Nicky Getgood though:

    how will the council deal with noise complaints from local residents who find the festivals disruptive?

    Money for art

    BMAG is to be given £4.8m towards a new wing forming part of the £9.7million project called Birmingham – A City in the Making. It may one day hold the Staffordshire Hoard (to whit – donations are being collected).

    You can wear jeans and trainers to the ballet

    You knew that, right?

    Birmingham contemporary art museum Sun, 01 Nov 2009 10:33:22 +0000 [Read more...]]]> I’m playing catch-up on this one. I’ve heard the idea of a contemporary art museum for Birmingham (or Tate Birmingham, as it’s been referred to in some quarters) mentioned in passing a few times but that’s it, so consider this a glorified links round-up as I try to find out what info has thus far passed me by.

    So, in chronological order…

    At the end of June this year, Terry Grimley revealed that a feasibility study was being undertaken into developing such a museum. The Arts Council and AWM had each chucked in £90k and the city council have apparently also contributed £200k ‘to enable Ikon to mount a programme of high-profile events in Eastside as a test bed’.

    The idea for this was first mooted in 2006, around the time Ikon Eastside was first opened. Unfortunately I can’t find Terry Grimley’s article from back then.

    Coun Martin Mullaney was quoted saying:

    I’m keen to support this. We want it to be on a par with Tate Modern and the Guggenheim in Bilbao

    and suggesting the site of the wholesale markets as the location. The Birmingham Central blog picked up on this, adding:

    With the Wholesale Markets moving and a large space being created it would offer a central focal point to attract visitors to the Southside area and build on the creativity of Digbeth.

    The idea was discussed by a panel at The Art of Ideas II – A New Museum for the 21st Century on 8 July, but I’ve no idea what was said. Does anyone know if there was a recording?

    A few weeks later, The Guardian’s Matt Price asked ‘Does England really need another contemporary art museum?‘ He put some bones on the proposal:

    From the public discussion earlier this month, it was clear that Watkins (Jonathan Watkins, director of Ikon, and the person leading the proposal) is thinking big: he wants vast spaces capable of presenting large-scale sculptures and installations, with an acquisitions policy aiming to collect the most celebrated artists currently working around the world

    He also pointed out some of the rationale behind the project – that many towns:

    don’t actually own much of the art they show; public collections of contemporary art around England simply aren’t as good as they should be. Arts Council England acknowledged this in a 2006 report, bluntly asserting that “regional collections in England do not represent the visual art of our time”

    Providing some balance, he goes on to point out that many West Mids museums have good, specialist collections of contemporary art and that developing these might be worthwhile (not to mention cheaper). However, the conclusion to the article, and so Matt’s answer to the question, is ‘yes, it could be really good if it works’. Well, yes…

    Curator and writer, Charlie Levine, chipped in with an article ‘Tricky: A new museum for Birmingham?‘. Although initially convinced by the arguments espoused at the Art of Ideas II, she sounded a few cautious notes and wondered whether it would not be better to invest in and support local, emerging artists ‘to create a successful and supportive art economy’.

    Which leads us to the item that sparked this post – a news piece on the Arts Council website proclaiming that ‘Our chair welcomes plans for Birmingham contemporary art museum‘.

    Arts Council chair Liz Forgan, at Ikon’s annual dinner this week, said:

    It is truly ambitious. I know that it is early days, and the feasibility study is only just being developed. But Birmingham needs the visual arts to flourish in the city; it needs to realise its aspirations for the visual arts that it has already achieved in other art forms. People may say that it’s not an auspicious time to raise funds for such an ambitious project. But I say ambition is good!

    We at the Arts Council support ambition and excellence and we will do our utmost to support you in this endeavour. Of course I can’t make any commitments, and I am sure you wouldn’t expect me to – not here, not tonight anyway! But I do want to say that we have supported you, we are supporting you and now we are keen to try to apply some of the innovation we have talked about tonight to find new ways of supporting you.

    Although she also made some odd claims about Ikon’s existence halting the proliferation of lap dancing clubs in the city. You can download Liz Forgan’s speech here.

    So where does that leave us? Well, the feasability study’s yet to be completed and there’s been very little mention of the cost of the thing so far, which must be a big issue at the moment. There seems to be a lot of intial support for the idea though, so I guess we wait and see what that report says.

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