marketing birmingham Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 marketing birmingham 32 32 CiB links for 25 February 2011 Fri, 25 Feb 2011 09:01:39 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • Where does everyone go for classes and craft-based socialising?
    …asks Kate from the Birmingham Bead Shop
  • Paul Hamlyn Award for Capsule « We Are Eastside | Birmingham
    Capsule have had £60k from the Paul Hamlyn Foundation. “The award will be used toward capacity and organisational development in particular the successful delivery of forthcoming projects Home of Metal and Supersonic 2011, and the development of a five year plan”
  • collaborationx2011
    “The aim of Collaboration X is to create a collection of music that will go on to be sold at online music stores, iTunes, eMusic, Napster, Amazon, and more. This will be produced by six musicians who have never met before and will only meet once the collaboration has ended. The whole production process will take place over the internet on All proceeds will be donated to Sound It Out Community Music”
  • Dizzy heights of Spring cleaning | Flickr
    Spring cleaning at the Hippodrome
  • Creative fund supports Birmingham arts firm
    Artbrand Publishing (who supply retailers with prints, paintings, etc) have received £150,000 investment from the Creative Advantage Fund
  • Judge wins arts award – Audiences Central
    “Birmingham-based artist Harminder Judge has won the Arts Foundation Fellowship Award in Performance and Live Art 2011”
  • Media Trust’s Youth Mentor Training
    “Media Trust’s Youth Mentoring scheme enables media professionals to share practical skills with disadvantaged 13-25 year olds working on media projects”. Want to be a mentor? Info’s here
  • Marketing Birmingham funding cut by more than £500k – News – THE DRUM
    “A Marketing Birmingham spokesperson confirmed: “Marketing Birmingham has received an 11% cut in funding from Birmingham City Council for 2011/12, which is equal to 6% of its total annual budget of £8.5 million”
  • Say It Online
    “The Say it Online project will see 6 Birmingham families immerse themselves in arts and culture for 4 weeks and review their experiences using digital media”
  • design and innovation west midlands
    “A blog to uncover the wealth of design excellence and innovation in products and services produced across the West Midlands and Heart of England referencing the inspirational from around the world”
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    2010 Year in Review: June Wed, 05 Jan 2011 11:54:11 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Summer brought with it degree show time of year and also the first Birmingham European Theatre Festival (which I’m pleased to see will be back again this year). Listings started coming out for the HMV Institute too.

    The days were getting longer, which was probably just as well for Rhubarb Rhubarb, who seemed to doing loads. Birmingham presented its final bid for the City of Culture and we crossed our fingers. Temper filled the streets with fashion icons. We looked at the trailer for Soulboy and discovered the blog for Reuben Colley Fine Arts.

    The Arts Council announced a 0.5% cut in funding to RFO’s. Boo. We found some familiar faces in Synth Eastwood’s video tomfoolery from the Flatpack Festival. Treasured at the MAC looked good.

    Bright Space started looking for people to get involved in Platform and I asked ‘Does Birmingham Future interest you?‘ and got a fairly resounding ‘Um, who?’. Theatre folk came together and spoke easy, the newly opened Zellig hosted the Bass Festival’s Fight The Power exhibition and there was talk of verbalising and visualisation.

    Creative Republic launched Invisible City and Marketing Birmingham released a new promotional video for the city that featured a host of creative talent.

    A couple of videos Tue, 01 Jun 2010 15:51:08 +0000 James Tate has been practising with timelapse photography around Birmingham:

    Marketing Birmingham have a new vid for selling the city. It was put together by Fullrange and, among others, features Birmingham Royal Ballet, Clusta and Made Media

    Funding for niche festivals Tue, 12 Jan 2010 09:02:23 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Cllr Martin Mullaney has announced the Emerging Festivals Fund – grants of £500 to £4,999 for new niche festivals. Applications have to be in by 4 February, which seems like incredibly short notice for what this is. More details here.

    Might this be useful to the folks at the recent The Challenge of Change event? So what sort of small festivals is the city currently lacking?

    It’s probably worth seeing this in light of the comments from Neil Rami of Marketing Birmingham that I linked to the other day. When asked which cities have marketed themselves effectively through culture he named Barcelona, Berlin, Glasgow and:

    Rotterdam, as they have come from nowhere. They have spent eight years capacity building their ability to host festivals and in that time have gone from something like 8 each year to 109. They saw festivals as a way of building a career for an artist and for telling a story. They now import festivals, poaching them from other cities as well as starting their own.

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    Interview with Neil Rami Thu, 07 Jan 2010 09:44:38 +0000 [Read more...]]]> I just stumbled across an interview that Stan’s Cafe did with Neil Rami a few weeks back. Neil’s the Chief Exec of Marketing Birmingham.

    Topics include the role of the arts (esp independent art) in marketing the city, who Marketing Birmingham markets Birmingham to, what the challenges are and which cities are doing it well.

    I’d pull out a quote but I can’t choose one and, besides, going all soundbitey just isn’t becoming of an august publication such as this one.
