marcus galleries Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 marcus galleries 32 32 Links for August 19th Wed, 20 Aug 2008 08:55:09 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • KateGoes and Writes a BBC Theme Tune
    “KateGoes are doing a theme tune for a new BBC sitcom called Coming of Age” as spotted by Dunc from the Autumn Store
  • Crisp dust and car boot sales- is it art?
    BBC preview of the forthcoming Margaret Street MA show
  • Light House September/October Events
    Spaghetti Gazetti have the list of what’s on over at the Light House in Wolverhampton
  • Juneau Projects Live Album Launch
    Fused also report that “Juneau Projects will be launching their live album ‘I Went to the Woods’ at New Art Gallery Walsall on Thursday 28 August 2008, 6pm-8pm and admission is free”
  • Help break a World Record this week
    If you have any free time this week everyone working on the Big Picture would love to see you at Thinktank to help build this huge artwork. You can turn up at any time between 10am – 4pm each day until Thursday this week (if you’d like more details see the Big Picture site)
  • Sarah Ray exhibition
    Fused report that “The very talented Sarah Ray will be exhibiting her work at The Marcus Galleries from the end of this month”
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