malaysia Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 malaysia 32 32 Difference Exchange are after a West Mids-based artist Mon, 23 Aug 2010 16:03:42 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Fancy an all expenses paid trip to Malysia? Download the info here (Word doc) and get your application in sharpish – the deadline’s been extended from 20 August to 27 August, in case you read the form and were wondering.

This isn’t just some jolly, by the way. Here’s what the project is about:

We would now like to select an artist who either actively practices a faith from West Midlands to be hosted by artist led gallery in Kuala Lumpur. An alternative faith host to that of the artist will allow the artist sufficient access to places of worship, historical archives and individuals who are prepared to enter into a meaningful dialogue with the artist during the course of their research. The artist is not necessarily required to create a piece of work and more details are contained in the brief.

One artist will be selected from the West Midlands region in the UK, nominated by Eastside Projects, Difference Exchange and Sarah Allen. They will be resident at the Temple of Fine Arts in Kuala Lumpur and will engage various communities including Hindus, Taoists, Buddhists and Confucianists.

This is a new initiative from Difference Exchange called IFICAN (Inter-faith, Inter-cultural Artists Narratives), although their website is giving me nasty warning notices at the moment for some reason so I can’t tell you much more about them.
