makeit zone Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 makeit zone 32 32 Flyers for things happening this weekend Fri, 29 Apr 2011 04:21:46 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Gor blimey, it’s another one of those really long weekends. Here are some things you might want to consider filling all that time with.

For starters, I haven’t got a flyer for this one but Lizzy Parks is playing in the Symphony Hall foyers today (Friday) from 5.30pm to 7pm and it’s free. Info on the THSH website. Or indeed the Birmingham Jazz website.

Earlier in the day (in fact from 12pm to 7pm) head over to Lombard Street in Digbeth for PST’s street party. This here flyer says there’s going to be food, live art and heavy bass. And face painting.

PST street party

MakeIt Zone are having an open day on Saturday.

MakeIt Zone open day

Capsule have got an event at Kings Heath’s Hare and Hounds on Saturday night called Wedlock. Dunno what that’s a reference to but I like the pretty picture.

There’s loads of other stuff happening too. Have a look at Live Brum for listings.

Make-It Zone pics Fri, 03 Sep 2010 08:26:44 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Nikki Pugh went to the Make-It Zone open day at the weekend and returned with a load of photos. The sort of photos that made me go ‘ooh’ and ‘cor’ a lot (in my head, at least).

The place screams ‘POTENTIAL’ (and also, in places ‘fixer-upper’) and they’ve got artisan workshops for rent.

Here’s a slideshow of Nikki’s photos:

Make-it Zone Tue, 17 Aug 2010 13:09:40 +0000 [Read more...]]]> MakeIt Zone

Make-it Zone is a place on the Moseley Road – the Old Print Works – offering low cost, low carbon artisan workshops. The man behind it is Ian Greenwood and he’s pursuing a vision:

Are you a printer, potter, woodturner, carver, shoemaker, dyer, glass blower, joiner, jeweller, tailor, artisan, engraver, bookbinder, paper maker, mechanic, candle maker, cycle builder, blacksmith, weaver, metal or textile worker…? Can you bring traditional skills into the 21st century?

We’re looking for tenants who can make beautiful, useful and durable objects to challenge the idea that economic growth should be built on the mass production of throwaway goods. We want to rebuild the connection between maker and customer, and we’re looking to do this in a realistic, contemporary setting.

They’ve got an open day from 2pm on 28 August if you want to have a nose about. They’re on Twitter too.
