made media Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 made media 32 32 New stuff for THSH Wed, 14 Dec 2011 08:52:09 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Town Hall and Symphony Hall have got a shiny new website and a new video to show off the kind of things they put on.

First up, the video, which was made by Vermillion Films:

And then the website, which was built by Made Media (which is where I work, full disclosure fans).

THSH website

Also, blimey – I’ve just noticed that next year they’ve got a show called The Infernal Comedy:

John Malkovich stars in a stage play for baroque orchestra, singers and actor, based on the real-life story of convicted serial killer Jack Unterweger.

Yes, that John Malkovich. I’m a bit impressed by that.

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383 and Made up for awards Sat, 08 Oct 2011 09:36:50 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Some good news from a couple of local digital/design agencies:

Well done and good luck to all involved.
This is a service announcement Sat, 28 May 2011 12:54:23 +0000 [Read more...]]]> If things have been a little quieter here recently, it’s because I’ve just started working for Made Media after they bought my company. You know what it’s like when you start a new job. Anyway, there’s a blog post about that here and normal service is being resumed.

Made Media are the folks that built the websites for The Rep, SampadInternational Dance Festival BirminghamTown Hall Symphony HallWarwick Arts Centre, BCMGTindal Street Press and many more (and that’s just the West Mids stuff – they work nationally).

I’m posting this here for a few reasons – partly for reasons of transparency and partly because I’m really quite chuffed with the move. There’s also the fact that I’ll inevitably spend work time running CiB, so it’s only fair to give Made a nod on that score.

It’s also meant a move from Digbeth over to the Jewellery Quarter. We’ll have to see if that has an effect on the stuff I write about.

While I’m at it…

The days when CiB existed solely on this site are long gone. If you don’t already, you can also keep up with us on:

Those are the main places, at least. I’ve been enjoying having the CiB Tumblr and have been treating it a bit like the flyer wall that we had back in the CiB Shop. If you have a look at the archive view you’ll see what I mean.

Created in Birmingham Tumblr

Birmingham people at Culture Hack Day Mon, 17 Jan 2011 09:25:35 +0000 [Read more...]]]> This weekend I was at Culture Hack Day, where teams of developers came together to create things using data from cultural organisations (it had nothing to do with breaking into computers and nicking personal info – that’s different).

There were a fair few people from Birmingham who went along and they had access to a week’s worth of West Midlands listings data provided by Global Data Point, which Marketing Birmingham had a hand in arranging, so here’s a list of the kind of things they made.

Mark James and Andrew Lowther from Made Media made a few things:

  • LuvvieScore highlights cultural hotspots in UK (well, just Birmingham at the moment). CiB’s office rates as an ‘A-List Badger Fossil’, happily
  • TescoFresco maps the location of theatres and branches of Tescos (pic below with theatres in red, Tescos in blue)
  • Following a request, they did the same thing with Tescos and libraries


Matthew Somerville and Clare Lovell made Pepys’ Shows, featuring the extracts from Samuel Pepys’ diaries where he reviews trips to the theatre.

Stef Lewandowski (previously from around these parts, so he’s allowed it in this round-up) was busy too:

The full list of hacks, which included a service that uses Foursquare check-ins to work out when galleries and museums are at their busiest and Subvertle – a framework for playing with iPlayer subtitles, should be on the Culture Hack Day website later.

On the Saturday there were some talks too. If you’re interested in what all that was about then I’ve written up quite a few notes on the Meshed Media website.

(* yes, so it should have been Culture Hack Weekend)

Festive Treats from creative minds Tue, 21 Dec 2010 08:45:10 +0000 [Read more...]]]> There’s a few interesting novelty things floating around courtesy of Birmingham’s finest creative minds, all in the festive spirit of course.

Boxer‘s Christmas video ‘Guess who’s coming to dinner‘ is definitely worthy of a mention. As well as being highly entertaining, it also comes with the challenge of a movie quiz.

Fullrange have made this amusing video for FleetMilne Residential.

Made Media have made brought the nativity to Twitter. Warning, highly distracting, if like me, you’re going to want to switch all the people around to make sure it features your favorite followers.

Supercool‘s Christmas card was a compelling read when it arrived on the CiB desk. They’ve redesigned the classic 12 days of Christmas.

Birmingham Royal Ballet have put together this bunch of Christmas wishes.

Are there anymore Christmas creations out there that we’ve missed and deserve a mention?

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A couple of videos Tue, 01 Jun 2010 15:51:08 +0000 James Tate has been practising with timelapse photography around Birmingham:

Marketing Birmingham have a new vid for selling the city. It was put together by Fullrange and, among others, features Birmingham Royal Ballet, Clusta and Made Media

Made Media – Web Usability Study Mon, 23 Mar 2009 20:54:35 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Made Media is a digital media agency based in the Jewellery Quarter, and very proud to be so:

‘Apart from being the most criminally underrated city in the UK, it’s just two hours from London and about the same to Manchester so there’s no excuse not to visit.’


Their extensive portfolio reads like a who’s who of creative and cultural Birmingham, they have created clean, functional and stylish websites for: The Drum, Fused Magazine, Hello Digital, The REP, New Generation Arts, Fierce Festival, Maverick and Town Hall.

They are currently looking for people to help them in a usability study into some websites by spending an hour clicking around some websites, and there’s a £75 gift voucher in it for participants which that relates to the study. So if you are an average web user, not a techy, and have got an hour spare in central Birmingham between 1pm and 9pm next Monday (30 March) get in touch with Jake Grimley on 0844 581 1374 and leave a message.

Links for November 8th Sat, 08 Nov 2008 09:54:29 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • David Barrow’s northern soul paintings at St Pauls Gallery
    “An exclusive exhibition of David Barrow’s Wigan Casino paintings will open on
    21st November”
  • West Midlands Media Top 100 |
    Dave Harte raises the prospect of a West Mids media top 100 to include people from “TV, radio, the press and publishing, film and production, new media, PR and advertising. NOT the arts” who can do they own thang
  • Digbeth Community Arts Project
    Nicky copies and pastes the first draft of a project brief for a community arts project in Digbeth
  • No Girls Allowed! Come and Sing – Workshop for Men
    “Do you enjoy singing, or have enjoyed singing in the past? Come along to a FREE singing workshop for men with the CBSO’s inspirational and world-renowned Chorus Director, Simon Halsey, and singers from the City of Birmingham Symphony Chorus” It’s on Tues 25 Nov, 6.45-8.15pm
  • Brilliantly Birmingham
    D’log sez “Brilliantly Birmingham has turned their main website (which I remember as being a dark-toned affair) into a deliciously light and fresh weblog…”
  • A short history of a Birmingham-based Acid Jazz band
    Antonio Roberts follows the trail of the recently defunct Kanopus
  • Welcome to The Drum
    Made Media have launched The Drum’s new website. Very nice it is too. Go check out their events
  • Rich Batsford – Valentine Court free download
    Rich has put up his album of melodic, meditative piano music up for download
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    Fused get a new website Sat, 08 Nov 2008 09:30:49 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Fused Magazine have just launched their revamped website, and a lovely thing it is.

    For those that don’t know Fused, they produce a quarterly publication that covers fashion, music, arts, etc and so on.  They also produced a rather good students’ guide to Birmingham, a responsible for the Ltd Edition affordable art market and promote local bands overseas at showcases like SXSW.

    The magazine’s distributed internationally but their blog tends to throw in lots of local mentions with posts about Plus+ and Eastside Projects recently.

    Here’s what the site looks like:

    Made Media made it.

    Hello Digital Fri, 19 Sep 2008 13:34:04 +0000 The full site for Hello Digital (23-26 October 2008) is now up with all the event info and other gubbins you’d expect.

    It’s been put together by talented localers Made Media, Maverick, Fluid & Stef Lewandowski.

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