MACE Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 MACE 32 32 Digital Balsall Heath Wed, 10 Aug 2011 15:21:29 +0000 Digital Balsall Heath

A collaboration between Balsall Heath Local History Society and MACE‘s ‘Full Circle’ Project. Digital Balsall Heath aims to:

record the life and times of people living in Balsall Heath and Highgate

Flagged up by the Friends of Moseley Road Baths.

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Highlights for 2011 Flatpack Festival Wed, 08 Dec 2010 08:42:50 +0000 [Read more...]]]> flatpack

So news of next years Flatpack Festival has arrived, and it looks like there are a few treats in store. Along with their usual eclectic mix of film, animation, prize-winning documentaries, multi-media performance and interactive projections, they’re got a few novelties up their sleves.

The promise of a 22 seater vintage mobile cinema, a Friday night Drive-In, live scores and late night parties sounds like a pretty exciting prospect to me.

Personally i’m looking forward to catching this perfectly restored 1960’s Vintage Mobile Cinema which will be touring the city screening a range of shorts, home-movies and archive clips.

flatpack vintage mobile cinema

Following the success of this years Invisible Cinema tour of original 1930s art deco Odeons, 2011 will uncover more of Birmingham’s finest cinema heritage, including ex-picturehouses and forgotten celluloid landmarks. They also have an exhibition of images from disused cinemas planned.

Here’s a few other things they’ve got lined up;

Prostitute – on the eve of its re-release, Tony Garnett revisits his 1980 drama Prostitute, partly shot in Balsall Heath, a few years before community action shut down the local red light district.

Loft in Translation – screenings in partnership with MACE’s Full Circle project, which encourages people to retrieve home-movies from their attics.

Archive Revival – Artists and filmmakers who appropriate and repurpose archive material including work by Thom Andersen, Duncan Campbell and Peter Tscherkassky.

Other confirmations – 1992 video diary In Bed With Chris Needham, a vivid snapshot of an adolescent metalhead in Loughborough; the UK premiere of Shadow Shows, an experiment in surreal horror created by Pram and Film Ficciones; and Every Minute Always, an immersive sound piece using headsets in a cinema, inspired by Brief Encounter.

The full programme will be announced in February 2011, so keep an eye on their website and blog for more updates.

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The Full Circle Project Fri, 22 Oct 2010 11:50:30 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Full Circle

MACE (Media Archive for Central England) are currently working on The Full Circle Project, which will run for 3 years as they hunt down hidden or forgotten film footage and home-movies from the past 100 years, created by people of the Midlands.

The aim is to make these materials accessible to the community so that they can be widely enjoyed by future generations and used for research, in exhibitions, screenings and education work.

Our concern at MACE is that films and videos are disappearing fast.  We want to stem the tide by working with organisations across the midlands to help them find and ‘save’ their local community’s moving image heritage.

For more information on the Full Circle Project, contact Mace or visit their website / blog for full details on what they do with donated film, and the local organisations involved.

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Links for 28 September 2010 Tue, 28 Sep 2010 16:26:38 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • We Could Be Heroes Clothing
    “This is We Could Be Heroes Clothing, an independant clothing company set up in the UK.” And this is their blog
  • IdeasTap | Forums: CASTING – Actors needed for UK Film Council funded short film.
    “We are currently looking to fill a number of primary roles for a new project, ‘Fifty’, a short film to be made in association with Screen West Midlands as part of the UK Film Council’s Digishorts scheme.” I happen to know they’re after a bus too – can anyone help?
  • The Birmingham Press
    I’d not spotted that they have a website
  • Birminghamsalon’s Blog
    Audio from Birmingham Salon’s ‘What are libraries for?’ debate is up online
  • Twitter / Deluka: On stage at #newtwitter launch party
  • Twitter / Mostly Jazz Festival: News News. Mark Ronson AND …
    “News News. Mark Ronson AND Duran Duran in Swordfish Records on Tuesday 28th from 4pm. Head down to meet them!” Sorry for the late notice on this one
  • Media Archive for Central England to release The Black Country 1969 DVD on 1st November – Switchboard
    “Media Archive for Central England are preparing to release the first of a number of retail DVDs that will be released in the coming months and years, and our first DVD release is The Black Country 1969”
  • Son Of The Public Meeting | We Are Birmingham – The Shop
    Details of the shop emerge – a new logo, potential premises, company directors…
  • Popular Music History – So What? – Discussing the political economy of popular music history
    Rob Horrock’s “PhD research scrapbook”. He’s the manager of Einstellung too
  • Opportunity for filmmakers to screen their films as part of Hello Digital 2010
    Producers’ Forum have “a space at The Custard Factory Theatre, which seats 100 people on 21st and 22nd October from noon -18:30”. Give them a shout if you want to submit a film or two
  • Digbeth is Good » Getgood Link: Art Stalking: 48 Sheet
    Nice vid about the 48 Sheets project with a link to Ana Milgram’s take on it/response
  • Sister Tree
    “Established in 1997 by Sharon Jones and Margaret Polack, Sister Tree is a Theatre Production Company which concentrates on leading workshops in all branches of the art”
  • Midland Actors Theatre
    “MAT is a leading touring theatre company. We are dedicated to telling stories. Our aim is to take stories, myths and legends from different cultures and traditions, and retell them in new ways”
  • Mind Your Language – jon bounds
    Worth bearing in mind – “I’ve worked out over a few years that “private view” means two things: if a show is big and important it means “no entry unless you’re invited”, if a show is small or not that well known it means “please come, there’ll be free wine and nibbles”. It’s developed as art-jargon for some reason, and people who know know and those that don’t don’t. But it does put off people who might otherwise have liked to have attended—and the smaller shows could do with that, in fact they want it.” Now to decide if your show is big and important or if it’s smaller
  • Black Country Creative Advantage
    “Black Country Creative Advantage is a 2-year project of the Centre for Art, Design, Research and Experimentation at the University of Wolverhampton and Longhouse/Multistory in West Bromwich”. They have a conference coming up on 9 Oct
  • 2011 submissions call : Flatpack Festival
    “Lengthening nights and falling leaves mean it’s time to start cranking up for Flatpack”. Click the link for details on how to send your stuff in
  • Birmingham Post – Galaxy radio puts Capital into Birmingham
    “A spokesman for the firm said no jobs would be lost in Birmingham as a result of the rebrand and that breakfast and drive-time shows would be locally made”
  • ]]>
    Links for 1 September 2010 Wed, 01 Sep 2010 19:23:51 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • Live Art Speed Dates « Stan’s Cafe Theatre Company
    “coming to the West Midlands on 25th September as part of Fierce Festival’s fun and games”
  • Artists wanted for smoke-free project
    Suggest an idea. A group of young people may choose to apply for a grant (up to £2000) and commission you to deliver it. Interesting model
  • Lots Of Things To See And Do In The West Midlands: September 2010 « Oh. (I know Russ L, and Russ L is no Russ L)
    Lots of things
  • Dig out your camera and get snapping for free tickets to The Secret Garden!
    The REP are after pics of your secret gardens
  • Screen WM: News
    Not sure what this is about, but I’m putting it out there – “Submissions for BRAIN WASH BRUM are now open, as we have not confirmed a date there is currently no deadline although it is probably wise to get them to us by the middle of October”
  • September Brum Notes Out Now « Brum Notes Magazine
    The new edition’s out. The website seems to have been rejigged since I last looked too
  • 09/10 Annual Report now online | The Other Way Works
    Annual update from the Birmingham-based theatre company
  • Screen WM: News – Full Circle
    “Tucked away in attics, sheds, cupboards and garages are forgotten gems capturing local life and history on film. These are a vital part of the Midlands’ screen heritage. With the help of 60 midlands groups, MACE is looking for these old films and videos to preserve and share them with future generations”
  • URGENT: Crew needed for Midlands Feature October/November 2010
    Hit the link for the info
  • Facebook | Thatched
    This club night has one of the most horrific posters I’ve ever seen. Congrats, I suppose
  • Corporate Development Manager
    The Hippodrome are after a corporate fundraiser with a passion for the arts
  • ]]>
    Links for October 5th Sun, 05 Oct 2008 22:28:14 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • Lots Of Things To See And Do In The West Midlands: October 2008
    Russ L’s ever-useful round-up with loads of stuff happening this month. I’d like to add my own Film Dash 48-hour film challenge to the list (happening 17-19 Oct short film fans!)
  • Pre-Raphaelite Online Resource | TAK! Design & Art Direction. Birmingham. UK. +44 (0) 121 288 2528
    The nice folk at Tak! are “very excited to announce a new working partnership with the Birmingham Museum & Art Gallery to design & develop an online educational resource for public, students and professionals”
  • Wheatley Fellowship 2008/09
    News from BIAD – Juneau Projects have been selected as the Wheatley Fellow based in the School of Art 2008/09
  • Support the Castle Vale Community Awards – aCtiVe arts
    “Castle Vale will proudly celebrate the achievements of a number of its residents at the second annual Community Awards on Friday 24th October”
  • It’s fun to play at the M A C E | Birmingham: It’s Not Shit
    Jon Bounds has found the Media Archive for Central England and does some delving around
  • Birmingham Conservation Trust – new futures for Birmingham’s historic buildings
    “Birmingham Conservation Trust is a charity created ‘to preserve and enhance Birmingham’s threatened architectural heritage” and it has a shiny new website
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