lizzy parks Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 lizzy parks 32 32 Flyers for things happening this weekend Fri, 29 Apr 2011 04:21:46 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Gor blimey, it’s another one of those really long weekends. Here are some things you might want to consider filling all that time with.

For starters, I haven’t got a flyer for this one but Lizzy Parks is playing in the Symphony Hall foyers today (Friday) from 5.30pm to 7pm and it’s free. Info on the THSH website. Or indeed the Birmingham Jazz website.

Earlier in the day (in fact from 12pm to 7pm) head over to Lombard Street in Digbeth for PST’s street party. This here flyer says there’s going to be food, live art and heavy bass. And face painting.

PST street party

MakeIt Zone are having an open day on Saturday.

MakeIt Zone open day

Capsule have got an event at Kings Heath’s Hare and Hounds on Saturday night called Wedlock. Dunno what that’s a reference to but I like the pretty picture.

There’s loads of other stuff happening too. Have a look at Live Brum for listings.

Video from resonance events Tue, 16 Dec 2008 00:14:22 +0000 Birmingham Jazz and Birmingham Town Hall‘s resonance events are well worth catching when they’re on. The last one was in October and featured the Heritage Orchestra and Lizzy Parks among others. A vid’s just gone up on YouTube with a couple of interviews that captures things really rather well.

resonance events at the Town Hall – ticket grab! Wed, 01 Oct 2008 14:33:57 +0000 [Read more...]]]> The second resonance events soiree will happen at the Town Hall on Friday 3 October featuring a host of local talent as well as the very excellent Heritage Orchestra performing the songs of Amon Tobin.  Musically, we’re talking jazz and hip hop but soul, leftfield, classical and any number of other styles will feature.

Here’s the full line-up:

It’s competition time!

I’ve been given a couple of tickets to give away for this.  All you have to do is shout up for them in the comments.  Just some quick rules:

  • The first person to claim them takes both the tickets (well, guestlist places)
  • No-one CiB-related can play
  • No previous competition winners can claim the tickets
  • You’ll need to use a proper email address for me to confirm things with you
  • I get the final say on any decisions (if it’s really necessary)

So go for it…

Meanwhile, here’s the flyer:

You can also have a nosey at the interview with Mary Wakelam, of Birmingham Jazz, who co-promotes these events.

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