light house Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 light house 32 32 Groups looking for volunteers. Tue, 14 Aug 2012 09:56:06 +0000 [Read more...]]]> We’ve spotted a few groups looking for helpful volunteers. Here are a few you might want to take a look at:

The Flyover Show is taking place this Saturday, 18th of August, and are looking for a few extra pairs of hands to help out. Each year the space under the Hockley flyover is transformed into an arena for this day of hip hop, reggae and jazz. For more information please email Clare Edwards

Light House Media Centre in Wolverhampton are searching for Ambassadors. In return for a range of benefits Ambassadors promote the venue to their friends, colleagues and online networks.

Every year Oxjam Brum takeover a bunch of city centre venues to put on a one-day festival of live music with local bands and artists, with all proceeds going to Oxfam. They are always on the lookout for all kinds of creatives, including photographers, designers, artists… and even cake decorators, who would like to help them put on a bigger and better show. If this sounds like you please contact them here.

One of the highlights of the local festival season due to it’s chilled out vibe and wonderful location, Moseley Folk Festival returns on the 31st August and 1st and 2nd September. They are currently recruiting a team of friendly, motivated stewards to help the weekend run smoothly. In return for two 4 hour shifts volunteers can enjoy the rest of the 3 day festival. Find out more here.

Artsfest is the annual weekend of all things artistic in Birmingham, when the city attempts to show off the breadth and depth of it’s creative and cultural sector. It advertises itself as the UK’s biggest free arts festival, and relies on a team of volunteers. Taking place during the second weekend in September, which this year is the 7th to the 9th, applications for volunteers have closed but if you’d like to add yourself to the reserve list details can be found here.

TEDxBrum brings the renowned series of talks and ideas by inspirational speakers to Birmingham. After a successful inaugural event this year they are currently recruiting a team for 2013. Among roles in production, marketing and communication perhaps of interest is ‘Non-Speaker Content Curation’ which will help expand the performances and exhibitions which will take place on the day.

Finally, another music festival, Supersonic, is looking for volunteers. Taking place in Digbeth in October, Supersonic is curated by Birmingham-based promoters Capsule. For more information contact

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An email about film opportunities Wed, 16 Nov 2011 12:22:07 +0000 [Read more...]]]> I thought I’d post my response to an email I received from someone the other day. The emailer said (and these are a couple of extracts):

I am currently looking for creative projects to get involved with in the Birmingham area, specifically film or media based projects. I have lots of transferable skills through studying film on my course and I am looking for possible work experience (unpaid) in TV, film or any kind of production, as a runner, film grip and/or any position where the skills I have may come in useful.

My biggest focus is finding opportunities, getting out there and getting involved in anything I can, from possible collaborations to arts events, workshops, anything to keep me busy and anything that allows me to be creative and continues the type of work I was doing on my course.

I couldn’t think of anything specific but gave a few starting places. I operate on the assumption that CiB readers know much more than I do, so if anyone can add anything then please do in the comments. My reply:


I can’t think of any specific opportunities at the moment. It’s a bit of a funny time for that kind of thing at the moment, what with Screen WM (who used to put on events and so on) closing down a few months back and Creative England (the body taking their place) only just getting up and running. In the meantime it might be worth looking at and seeing what they’re up to.

Also, have a look at these events, get yourself along and see who you meet:

Maybe see what courses are happening at or



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We Make Art v Barnbrook Studios Tue, 12 Apr 2011 10:22:16 +0000 We Make Art v Barnbrook Studios

If the text is too small there’s more information on the Light House website.

The poster was a tad long so I’ve cropped it a bit. I’d best give a nod to the people who had their logos on the bottom – Light House, Reference Point, We Make Art and

CiB links for 1 April 2011 Fri, 01 Apr 2011 17:54:45 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • American Independents Day comes to Birmingham
    “Ted Hope & Christine Vachon have produced over 120 independent movies between them (including Boys Don’t Cry, 21 Grams, American Splendor & Happiness).” They’ll be at the Spotted Dog in Digbeth on 7 April
  • Using Film in Education – West Midlands Seminar
    At the Light House on 12 May
  • Welcome to the human race — ELO-ke Night 2nd April
    Dirty Bristow are putting on a night of Electric Light Orchestra Karaoke on Saturday 2 April
  • Arcane Magazine
    “We will bring you the latest news on Birmingham club nights, promotional drinks offers at bars, restaurant deals, music events, sporting events, dance shows, comedy nights – and so much more in between”
  • Interview with Lee Kemp, Fullrange
    “I could genuinely count the number of useful creative networking events i’ve been to on the fingers of one hand shortly after I’d pulled that hand out of a blender”
  • Due to Birmingham’s flourishing industry and…
    The Birmingham Stock Exchange building’s been sold for £8m. Cue musings about Sherlock Holmes’ story about a young stockbroker taking up a new job in the city
  • Second Home Sketchbook | While the paint dries and the renders crawl…
    Chris Randall at Second Home Studios has got himself one of those blogs. Could be interesting.
  • Interview with Will Grant, Buto
    He’s the Technology Director there.
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    The SoURCE, Barber & Light House Christmas fairs Fri, 26 Nov 2010 17:02:46 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Just a quick one to tell you about some more Christmas fairs going on over the next few weekends. Since I’ve already mentioned a few, I may as well be consistent. Plus, I like the decorative flyers.

    THE SoURCE are hosting their eco gift fair at Moseley Exchange tomorrow from 10am – 4pm. Entry is free and they’ll also have a cafe area and home baked cakes, see the full list of stallholders on their blog.

    The Barber Institute‘s Christmas Craft Fair is next weekend, 4 December from 11am – 4pm. Along with the usual array of gifts and artwork, they’ll also be holding a free family crafts workshop, making cards and decorations, plus Christmas storytelling throughout the day.

    Light House are holding their renowned Festive Flair on 11 December from 11am – 4pm. Take a look round the selection of local talent selling their work and gifts, with a glass of mulled wine and a mince pie. Entrance to this is also free.

    Also in association with Festive Flair on the same day, is the Queen Vic Designer Maker Festive Fair at Wolverhampton Arts Gallery. Kids will have the chance to meet Santa, plus there’s storytelling, free family craft activities and a local choir performance throughout the day.

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    Disability Film Festival Day Tue, 23 Nov 2010 08:57:47 +0000 [Read more...]]]> disability film festival day

    The Disability Film Festival Day takes place on 3 December, at various venues arcoss the country, including  The Public, mac and Light House.

    The festival will be packed full of international shorts, a selection of films from Oska Bright, themed discussions and archived films, in the UK’s first celebration of disability and film.

    The Public and mac will also be screening the BBC’s feature length film ‘Raspberry Ripple’, while Light House will be hosting a directors workshop in association with Film Nation.

    Entry to all events is free. For more information on events and screenings, take a look at the full rundown over at the list of venues.

    Whatever Happened to Pete Blaggit Mon, 15 Nov 2010 08:50:01 +0000 [Read more...]]]>

    Wolverhampton based director Mark Jeavons will be premiering his latest feature film, ‘Whatever Happened to Pete Blaggit,’ at the Light House on 16 November at 7pm.

    The film, starring local talent Rob Leetham alongside ex-Coronation Street star Adam Rickitt, is a surreal comedy about an angry wedding videographer disillusioned with life. Just when Pete thinks that his life can’t get any worse everything is turned upside down when he is abducted by aliens.

    A Q&A session with the director will follow the screening, to attend email or call 01902 716055

    Take a look at the trailer on Youtube.

    Light House Animator in Residence wins at International Film Festival Sat, 13 Nov 2010 10:30:41 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Light House‘s animator is residence, Drew Roper, has received the audience award in the humour category at The Animatron Babelgum Animation Film Festival – the world’s first online and mobile competition for Animation and Anime.

    Take a look at his winning animation ‘The History of Denim’, created to retell the origin of denim for designer LUKE, which originated from the West Midlands.

    THE HISTORY OF DENIM – LUKE 1977 from Drew Roper on Vimeo.

    Animating the West Midlands Mon, 18 Oct 2010 07:53:38 +0000 [Read more...]]]>

    The next Animation Forum event is to co-inside with Flip Animation Festival on 4 November at 7.30pm – 10pm, Millennium Point.

    Animating the West Midlands is a free event which will feature locally produced shorts from Flip 2010, and an introduction to Second Home Studios’ Viral Kitchen scheme. You’ll also have the chance to catch up with fellow animators in the iBar at Millenium point.

    The event is open to non-members plus those without tickets to Flip. To reserve your place email with ‘Animating the West Midlands – RSVP’ in the subject line.

    For more information, visit Animation Forum or their Facebook page.

    Flip Animation Festival Wed, 06 Oct 2010 11:53:51 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Flip Festival

    Flip Animation Festival is happening on 4 – 6 November in Wolverhampton. The festival is organised by Light House Media Centre and hosts a programme of educational workshops for young people, along with experimental animation for grown ups, plus industry led panels, feature film screenings, international showcases, retrospectives of short films and spotlights on animation studios.

    While there are still plenty of events yet to be announced, here’s a peak at a few of the highlights announced so far;

    Workshops in Introduction to Animation and Writing an Animated Comedy with The Brothers McLeod, both on 4 Nov.

    Gaming themed workshops, including an Introduction to Building a Game with XNA and Big Screen Gaming on Halo: Reach, also on 4 Nov.

    Young animators aged 14 – 16 are invited to the free Film Nation: Shorts Animation Workshop on 5 Nov.

    Plus Wolverhampton Art Gallery are also running an exhibition entitled RE-animate which will be on until 27 Nov.

    Tickets have yet to go on sale for this year’s festival, so keep an eye on the Flip website for the latest announcements.
