lee kemp http://www.createdinbirmingham.com Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 http://www.createdinbirmingham.com/wp-content/uploads/cropped-CiB-Google-copy-32x32.jpg lee kemp http://www.createdinbirmingham.com 32 32 CiB links for 8 April 2011 http://www.createdinbirmingham.com/2011/04/08/cib-links-for-8-april-2011/ Fri, 08 Apr 2011 11:49:20 +0000 http://www.createdinbirmingham.com/?p=9606 [Read more...]]]>
  • Keeping it local: regional theatre needs new media | Stage | guardian.co.uk
    “The challenge for arts organisations outside London is to embrace the blogosphere, and fast. I think we need to work hard to nurture the brave souls who are often spending their free time running what’s-on sites and blogs – invite them to our shows, treat them like proper journalists, buy them lunch, encourage our suppliers to buy advertising space on their websites, link to their sites from ours and so on. If we help listings sites and blogs to grow, we’re safeguarding the future of arts criticism.”
  • Sky Arts launches Ignition investment scheme
    £200,000 cash investment for six chosen projects, and bursaries of £30,000 each for young, talented individuals
  • GZA/Genius (of Wu-Tang Clan) | Hare and Hounds
    The GZA. In a pub. In a Birmingham suburb. For a tenner. How?
  • Fireworks, intrigue and change
    A thoughtful piece from Friction Arts’ Sandra Hall. Turning Point West Midlands are apparently lining up some specially commissioned essays from a range of people – looking forward to the rest
  • “Brum band The Toy Hearts had the following stolen last night: STOLEN GEAR – 6th April 2011 2 x…”
    Ouch. Have a look at the list, see if you happen see any of this stuff anywhere
  • Staffordshire Hoard
    New website for the hoard. Hat tip D’log for spotting it
  • Support Sound It Out (SIO)
    Petition for Sound It Out’s ACE National Portfolio application to be reassessed
  • Highbury Studio – Birmingham’s Top40 Artists
    A list of Birmingham artists who have had a Top40 record somewhere
  • Fullrange – Colman Getty
    Good follow-up from Lee Kemp on the Library of Birmingham PR contract thing. Includes an interesting bit on tender documents
  • The Catapult Club celebrates 10 years at Birmingham’s 02 Academy « Area Culture Guide
    Impressive stuff
  • Birmingham’s £25m academy
    “The academy, which is adjacent to Millennium Point in central Birmingham, is being created in partnership with London’s Brit School and Maverick TV”
  • We Are « Nomad Projeckt
    “The Nomad Projeckt is an artistic collective which specialise in the producing audio and visual work of all kinds inspired by old and new hip-hop movements, for details of our work have a look around the site.”
  • Twitter / David McAlmont: Birmingham is also confoun …
    “Birmingham is also confounding one’s expectations with its hot male totty count. I’m warming to the place.”
  • Turning Point West Midlands – Artists’ News & Opportunities Bulletin, 31 March 2011
    Loads of stuff in this. Worth subscribing to (it’s a PDF, btw)
  • Bank your thoughts: artists access to technology?
    “iShed (www.ished.net) is conducting a  feasibility study, supported by Arts Council England, into the potential of a web-based ‘Technology Bank’, where tech and related software can be advertised and offered on loan to creative projects in return for accreditation and shared learning”. Looks like it could be a good thing
  • The Blue Orange Theatre – Birmingham
    Funny – I was wondering about this place the other day. New theatre in Birmingham, due to open 13 April with ‘What The Butler Saw’ although I think there may have been a launch event last night
  • Fused Magazine – Fused at SXSW 11
    Fused went to SXSW and pointed a camera at bands and people dancing in the street
  • ]]>
    Storm in a teacup over Library marketing contract http://www.createdinbirmingham.com/2011/04/05/storm-in-a-teacup-over-library-marketing-contract/ http://www.createdinbirmingham.com/2011/04/05/storm-in-a-teacup-over-library-marketing-contract/#comments Tue, 05 Apr 2011 20:30:48 +0000 http://www.createdinbirmingham.com/?p=9616 [Read more...]]]> I’m actually slightly embarrassed to be giving this one any more oxygen – it’s a non-story on a slow news day and should really be treated as such. For some reason, though, I’ve found myself getting sucked in. So…

    To give a bit of background, every so often the city council (or a Birmingham-focussed organisation) will award a contract to a company unfortunate enough to be based somewhere other than Birmingham. In the past couple of years Marketing Birmingham and the MAC have been lambasted for looking further afield for suppliers.

    The Library of Birmingham is the latest, having awarded a PR contract to a company in London called Colman Getty after a tendering process which involved several local companies. Unfortunately, the result has been the kind of short-sighted outcry that clamours for protectionism and only makes us look ridiculous, parochial and insecure.

    The Birmingham Post have provided the headline most likely to feature in indignant tweets:

    Library of Birmingham marketing contract awarded to London firm

    Whereas Business Desk WM have been a bit more measured with:

    Midlands firms beaten to Library PR contract by London agency

    I like how those two seem to imply slightly different things.

    On the plus side

    Ok, so they might not be from around these parts, and I can’t tell whether the best company won (I haven’t read the proposals and I didn’t see the pitches) but lets see if they have anything to recommend them.

    Colman Getty’s clients includes cultural and literary institutions like the Saatchi Gallery, Manchester’s Lowry Centre, the Man Booker Prize, Cheltenham Literary Festival and JK Rowling. So that experience could come in handy when drawing up a “high impact regional, national and international campaign” for the LoB.

    Although bids of up to £350,000 were invited, they’ve asked for £292,000 (83% of the total). That seems decent of them, especially as we all know how expensive those London agencies are.

    Incidentally, someone mentioned that that’s a lot of money to spend on marketing. Bearing in mind that’s to cover activity over a three-year period for a £189m project that’s meant to give Birmingham some international profile it doesn’t seem all that much to me.

    The interesting bit that’s been missed

    Colman Getty’s MD says she’s looking forward to working with Birmingham City Council and, more interestingly, “our partners, Writing West Midlands“. So there’s a local link. It’ll be good to find out what role they’ll be playing.

    If you only read one thing…

    What I usually do when this issue crops up is point towards the guest post that Fullrange’s Lee Kemp wrote for the Birmingham Post a couple of years ago. It’s the best explanation I’ve come across for why reserving regional projects for regional companies is a bad idea. Although I should give a nod to Pete Ashton’s post and the comments below it.

    So, while I’m sorry for the likes of Rewired and S&X (who are understood to have pitched for the work – and I’ve only got the BPo and BLWM stories to go from) and others who pitched, it’s surely healthy to bring others into the city.


    I might round-up a load of work that companies in Birmingham have been winning from under the noses of other agencies in other cities. No-one seems to make so much of a fuss over that news.

    http://www.createdinbirmingham.com/2011/04/05/storm-in-a-teacup-over-library-marketing-contract/feed/ 16
    CiB links for 1 April 2011 http://www.createdinbirmingham.com/2011/04/01/cib-links-for-1-april-2011/ Fri, 01 Apr 2011 17:54:45 +0000 http://www.createdinbirmingham.com/?p=9534 [Read more...]]]>
  • American Independents Day comes to Birmingham
    “Ted Hope & Christine Vachon have produced over 120 independent movies between them (including Boys Don’t Cry, 21 Grams, American Splendor & Happiness).” They’ll be at the Spotted Dog in Digbeth on 7 April
  • Using Film in Education – West Midlands Seminar
    At the Light House on 12 May
  • Welcome to the human race — ELO-ke Night 2nd April
    Dirty Bristow are putting on a night of Electric Light Orchestra Karaoke on Saturday 2 April
  • Arcane Magazine
    “We will bring you the latest news on Birmingham club nights, promotional drinks offers at bars, restaurant deals, music events, sporting events, dance shows, comedy nights – and so much more in between”
  • Interview with Lee Kemp, Fullrange
    “I could genuinely count the number of useful creative networking events i’ve been to on the fingers of one hand shortly after I’d pulled that hand out of a blender”
  • Due to Birmingham’s flourishing industry and…
    The Birmingham Stock Exchange building’s been sold for £8m. Cue musings about Sherlock Holmes’ story about a young stockbroker taking up a new job in the city
  • Second Home Sketchbook | While the paint dries and the renders crawl…
    Chris Randall at Second Home Studios has got himself one of those blogs. Could be interesting.
  • Interview with Will Grant, Buto
    He’s the Technology Director there.
  • ]]>