LABB magazine Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 LABB magazine 32 32 Birmingham fashion blogging Wed, 06 Oct 2010 19:38:35 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Karen Kiely‘s been looking at Birmingham’s fashion blogging scene, which is something she’ll apparently be exploring as part of her Social Media as Culture module on her Masters. She’s picked out Style Birmingham, Uber Brum and The Doll on Fashion.

I thought I’d have a root around for a few others.

Rajmeena posts sketches, there are dribs and drabs on the Retail Birmingham blog, We Create have a blog that occasionally features ‘about young British fashion designers’ although not so much recently. LABB Magazine’s blog goes in for loads of pics. Fused cover fashion from time to time too.

Selina Jervis is from Birmingham but not around the city so much as far as I can tell. Her Flying Saucer blog has been popular for a while and it’s interesting to see they’ve recently snapped her up as a guest blogger on Browse Bullring.

Cheers to Jim for pointing me towards Vintage Reflection.

There must be more out there… (*hint*)

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Damian Marquez Sun, 26 Sep 2010 10:05:48 +0000 [Read more...]]]> s/s11 lookbook

In case you haven’t heard, last week was London Fashion Week. And while some of us can only dream of attending the glamorous shows, the closest we can get to our fashion fantasies is through various blogs and Twitter updates.

Meanwhile, Birmingham designer Damian Marquez was invited to showcase his S/S11 collection as a part of LABB Magazine’s London Fashion Week showcase event, “Emerge” which took place on Monday at Hoxton Factory.

The collection is made up of playful tailoring, jersey wear and swimwear. Damian, who launched his design career at Costa Rica Fashion week in 2009, hopes that this new collection will follow in the footsteps of his A/W 2010 range which was quickly snapped up by stylists and magazines internationally

The collection was both designed and produced from Damian’s Harborne shop, while those beautifully airy shots from his S/S11 lookbook (above) are also the work of Birmingham photographer Garazi Gardener.

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LABB Sat, 14 Aug 2010 10:00:01 +0000 [Read more...]]]> LABB

This fresh faced quarterly magazine has been put together by a small team who have created, produced and printed LABB magazine in Birmingham.

Aiming to harvest and showcase emerging talent in art, fashion and photography, LABB allows readers to explore something new as oppose to the same churned out work seen in fellow coffee table mags.

Fashion, it’s like a science, you always want to push the limits, find something new, but its always based on the existing. Not everyone who works in a lab wears a white jacket… WELCOME TO OUR LABB!

Issue 1, Volume 2 is currently available, with Volume 3 on the way for September. In the meantime they’ve also got a blog, LABB Loves, which is great if, like me, you like flicking through dozens of highly stylised fashion photography.
