kindle camp Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 kindle camp 32 32 Kindles and comics Sat, 28 May 2011 11:27:48 +0000 [Read more...]]]> A couple of things if you’re in the business of making things other people might like to read.

Kindle Camp – A Kindle Publishing Workshop

Digital BirminghamThe New Optimists and Birmingham City Council Web Services Team have joined together to put on a workshop to go through the process of publishing your text to the Kindle.

This looks useful and pretty thorough. It’s free and it’s on 1 June. Only four tickets left.

Comics Launch Pad

Comics Launch Pad is a new and exciting event brought to you by International Comic Shows, the organisation behind the long-running British International Comics Show.

A one-day conference aimed at professionals, aspiring professionals and those with a serious interest in the business of making comics, Launch Pad promises to be an enlightening and fascinating experience.

D’log spotted this one. It’s on 18 June and here’s their website.
