ken harrison Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 ken harrison 32 32 Birmingham Loves Photographers Fri, 20 May 2011 08:22:46 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Jill Evans and Ken Harrison are the first photographers to be profiled on a new site called Birmingham Loves Photographers.

Birmingham Loves Photographers

I’m not sure who’s behind this, but they’re doing it in conjunction with 6/8 Kafé, in fact it might well just be them – they’re pretty good at featuring photographers and such on their blog. These people are also threatening to run photography events around the West Mids too. If you’d like to be profiled then they say:

We’re looking for amateurs and pros to feature in the blog. The two requirements are:

  • You are looking to further yourself as a photographer and use this avenue to promote yourself and others; both creatively and, hopefully, gain some financial return to develop your career.
  • That you are being based in Birmingham.

If you are interested you can contact us by Asking Us on this page, onTwitter or Facebook

So get to it.

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