jonathan cherry Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 jonathan cherry 32 32 Jonathan Cherry’s photographs from Rohini Sun, 25 Sep 2011 11:00:49 +0000 [Read more...]]]>

Here’s photographer Jonathan Cherry on his recent trip to Rohini, India:

I was in India for only two weeks & the majority of that time was spent in the 30-year-old sub city of Delhi called Rohini. It was a fascinating place to stay & apart from feeling a little out of place Rohini offers a beautiful sense of community. I was drawn into photographing the people of Rohini because of their openness. One wet and humid afternoon I walked to the nearest park where I watched some local boys play cricket. Within 5 minutes of being sat on a bench I was surrounded by 20 boys wanting to know where I had come from and what my name was. It was an interesting scenario because after these two questions we sat in silence for many minutes simply looking at each other. Experiencing their intrigue from my point of view was something I decided to use within my photography. By pointing my Hasselblad at people I no longer became the focus but my subject was drawn into the spotlight. It was an interesting dynamic and I plan to explore it further.

There are more photographs from Jonathan’s visit to Rohini on his website.

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Boat Magazine and Luke Tonge Tue, 12 Jul 2011 08:23:53 +0000 [Read more...]]]> I subscribe to STACK because it’s brilliant. At the start of the month a package lands on your doormat containing an interesting magazine of some sort.

This month we got Boat Magazine, produced by a London design studio. In their words:

We pulled together the most talented people we know; writers, photographers, illustrators, musicians… gave them a blank canvas, and set them loose on the streets of Sarajevo. We had one goal – to tell a new story

Boat Magazine

I was flipping through and spotted a bit that said:

Designed/Art Directed by Luke Tonge

Bearing in mind I follow his Tumblr I probably should’ve been aware of this. I checked it was the right guy and, sure enough, at the back of the mag it says:

Luke Tonge is a creative (and Falmouth graduate) currently living and working in Birmingham, UK. As part of the influential FormFiftyFive his voice in the industry continues to grow. A lover of ice-cream floats, all things typographic, and Bill & Ted – he wears shorts all year round. Google ‘Luke Tonge’ to know more.

I bumped into him at the Pointe Blank launch (here’s his contribution to that project) and can confirm the shorts thing.

Oh, hang on, I’ve just spotted Jonathan Cherry was involved in this too. He’s a photographer from (last time I checked) Stourbridge and has provided images for an article called Manchester City, 4am.

Jonathan Cherry Fri, 17 Dec 2010 12:45:48 +0000 [Read more...]]]>

Jonathan Cherry is a photographer based in Stourbridge, whose portfolio focuses on fine art documentary and portraiture. It’s well worth a look.

Since graduating from University College Falmouth with a BA (Honours) in Photography, he’s produced the series ‘Greenlands‘ which studies the lack of a traditional community in English rural town life. The series is set around his home town of Stourbridge, which the photograph below was taken from.

He also runs the website MULL IT OVER, a series of web based interviews with innovative contemporary photographers from around the world.

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