jeremy hunt Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 jeremy hunt 32 32 Any messages for Jeremy Hunt? Fri, 04 Feb 2011 12:09:44 +0000 [Read more...]]]> I’ve been invited to meet Jeremy Hunt MP (or The Secretary of State for Culture, the Olympics, Media and Sport, the Rt Hon Jeremy Hunt MP to give him his full name) later today. The email said:

The meeting will give the Secretary of State the opportunity to discuss his plans for local TV with you, as well as Government’s wider media priorities including the roll out of high speed Broadband, the Creative Industries and the forthcoming Communications Bill.

The Minister will be interested in your views on how Government’s programme will impact on Birmingham and the West Midlands specifically, as well as on the county as a whole.

From a quick search on Twitter it looks like Will Perrin, Julia Higginbottom and Jon Bounds have been invited too. I’ve no idea who else will be going.

Anyone got anything they’d like me to chip in?

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Arts and culture at the Tory conference Sat, 02 Oct 2010 11:51:15 +0000 [Read more...]]]> The Conservative Party Conference starts tomorrow, so expect a fair amount of disruption around the city centre – especially the city end of Broad Street around the ICC and Symphony Hall.

Travel advice aside, arts and culture will be getting a foot in the door a few times over the duration, including this lot:

There’s probably more happening too, but those are the ones I’ve come across.

I’ve also been invited, with a bunch of other local bloggers, to go and meet Sayeeda Warsi (Co-Chairman of the Conservative Party and Cabinet Minister without portfolio) and Andrew Mitchell (MP for Sutton Coldfield and Secretary of State for International Development) later today.

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Alternatives to local TV Tue, 31 Aug 2010 00:31:00 +0000 [Read more...]]]> The issue of local TV has cropped up again recently.

A couple of weeks back Will Perrin put some thoughts down, responding to government plans to encourage the development of up to twenty new local TV stations by 2015. The general gist of his post (although I’d encourage you to read it) was that there’s no need, it won’t work and, besides, the web would do the job better.

Nick Booth has built on this and claims that Birmingham’s informal, fledgling network of local, mainly volunteer-led news websites shows that people are already delivering the kind of activity Jeremy Hunt says he wants to encourage using TV stations (see Nick’s post for details).

My generally unconsidered view on this is that establishing a local TV station wouldn’t necessarily be a bad thing – if someone (and I think City TV are still looking to get involved) can make the finances stack up and run something that doesn’t depend on handouts then great. It just doesn’t seem to be a particularly forward-thinking thing to spend public cash on.

If money/time/effort/attention/whatever is going to be spent on local media, I’d rather it was spent on getting people using the web and using it better – helping them access local information and publishing it themselves. There’s no reason video can’t be part of that – see I Am Birmingham for an example of someone using a website with a free template and a YouTube account to do regular-ish video content.

Also in the web’s favour – costs and barriers to entry are lower and the skills required are more readily transferrable. It’s also relevant to the government’s current strategy of closing down public services and replacing them with websites (Jobcentre Plus, Business Link and so on).

The whole ‘more TV by 2015’ thing bothers me too. 2015 is five years off. Bear in mid that YouTube is only five years old and you get a sense of  how much things could change in the intervening years.

Anyway, I feel I’m starting to edge slightly further away from CiB-land now. If you want to get involved in the debate then see what people are saying on Will and Nick‘s posts.

Links for 20 May 2010 Thu, 20 May 2010 09:28:23 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • One Step Beyond! « ACE dance and music
    “Find out all about ACE’s Director Gail Parmel”
  • Brigid McLeer – Resident Artist at The Rea Garden | Behind Closed Doors
    “We are pleased to announce that the third artist residency is under way here at The Rea Garden. Artist Brigid Mc Leer has been working down at the site since April in preparation for her ‘durational performance’ ‘One + One (The reading)’”
  • More music for Birmingham – Audiences Central
    “The Digbeth Institute […] is now set to re-launch on Friday 17 September 2010 under the new name of the hmvInstitute”
  • Arts keynote speech – Jeremy Hunt
    The new Culture Secretary with some ‘thoughts about the role of arts and culture in society’. Includes a small, Birmingham-related mix-up (hat tip Jake Grimley)
  • The REP Revealed
    “we have just published The REP Revealed – a new brochure which celebrates our achievements to date and our aspirations for the future”
  • Here are some of the treats in store | Moseley Festival
    “Events are still coming in, but we already know there is to be…” Follow the link for details
  • Purple Amp | Music Blog based in Birmingham
    A new Brum-centric music blog. Dunno who’s behind it but they’ve heard of CiB. Spooky
  • All change! (BARG at the mac and other news) | BARG
    Good stuff from the pervasive games, etc folks.
  • Birmingham Hippodrome :: News – Joan Collins to star in Dick Whittington
    Joan Collins will star alongside Julian Clary, Nigel Havers, Keith Harris and Orville in this year’s panto. Srsly
  • The Stage / News / Jeremy Hunt asks DCOMS to plan for £66m cut to budget
    To put that in context, I think DCMS gets around £5bn a year, with another £1.5bn in Lottery money. More than happy to be corrected though
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    Doom and gloom Tue, 02 Feb 2010 10:23:36 +0000 [Read more...]]]> The other day someone described CiB as ‘a little ray of sunshine in [their] RSS reader’. I’m going to take time out now to ruin that by talking about funding cuts and such. Sorry. If it’s any consolation I’ll end the post with a picture of a bunny.

    The other week West Midlands Regional Observatory brought out their latest recession snapshot. For the cultural sector the figures weren’t bad:

    the cultural sector continued to see increases in numbers of customers through the door in the last three months of 2009, building on the unusually high increase in footfall seen over the summer.

    Strong audience figures suggest the value placed on culture by the general population has only increased during the economic troubles

    However, people are expecting cuts – 72% of respondents being ‘less optimistic’ about the stability of core funding compared to a few years ago. Quite right too – on a daily basis you hear politicians dodging around the c-word like [insert inappropriate simile here].

    Jeremy Hunt, the shadow culture secretary, has gone some way towards setting his stall out (could The Guardian have found a pic of him looking any more smug?), saying (and I paraphrase hugely):

    • arts administration costs need to be hacked back to 5% of any cash government hands over
    • they’ll introduce a US-style culture of philanthropy by encouraging tax breaks on lifetime giving
    • The national lottery would be returned to its original good causes (which includes arts)
    • they’d get rid of audience development targets in the arts

    Some might find encouragement in some of that, although he did add:

    I wouldn’t say that everything that happened under the last Conservative government was good

    So nevermind.

    The philanthropy thing has been jumped upon and was clearly at the forefront of people’s minds on a recent Cultural Leadership Programme session, as blogged about by Friction Arts in a post called Preparing for a Cultural Nuclear Winter.

    On the Stan’s Cafe blog James gives the benefit of their experience and says:

    Big UK arts institutions are already doing all they can to raise sponsorship and court donors, it’s not as if a funding cut is ‘required’ to prod them into action. […]

    In short, the US model is deeply flawed and we are a million miles away from being able to deliver that model as well as they do.

    As things stand the figures, for the West Mids in particular, support him, the Birmingham Post pulling the numbers from analysis by Arts & Business. The headline numbers there being that in the West Mids private investment dropped 25% over the last period, while the national average was a drop of 7%.

    A&B chief Colin Tweedy said that:

    We would like to be optimistic but predict the worst is yet to come

    Here’s the bunny:

    Little bunny bun

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