itwan Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 itwan 32 32 IPS Film Programme Fri, 05 Nov 2010 08:54:17 +0000 [Read more...]]]> International Project Space have launched a new programme of moving-image exhibitions beginning on 10 November and running through until 17 December. Curated by a selection of three invited curators, each has proposed a programme that draws on aspects of their current research.

ITWAN: curated by Jay Sanders
10 – 20 November (Opening reception 10 November)

a film document of an evening performance event at New York’s Sculpture Center collectively titled Inchoative Listening & Centerless Portrayal, featuring artists and musicians including Yuji Agematsu, Mother Earth, Tom Kovachevich, Tom Thayer and Circuit Des Yeux.

CRIPPLED SYMMETRY: curated by Christoph Gallois
24 November – 4 December (Opening reception 24 November)

Crippled Symmetry, borrows its title from a text by composer Morton Feldman in which he draws parallels between the form of his own musical approach and the dissymmetry found in woven carpets from the Middle East in which complex arrangements of space unfold.

EXODUS: curated by David Bussel
8 – 17 December (Opening reception 8 December)

Exodus brings together works by several artists and collectives who ‘investigate the meanings of and relations between (artistic) labour, thought and praxis.’
