international project space Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 international project space 32 32 IPS: Juliette Blightman Mon, 14 Feb 2011 08:55:03 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Juliette Blightman: A Year With No Head opens with a preview on 23 February at International Project Space from 5-7pm, and is ongoing until 2 April.

Working with film, performance and installation, the exhibition features a newly commissioned installation, which centres on a large-scale drawing, where the artist sketches out remembered images from her previous installations, which she says act as ‘back-drops’ for new works.

…often described as engaging in a form of ‘romantic conceptualism’, her mixed-media installations typically comprise arrangements of familiar domestic objects which invite viewers to spend time with the work and shape their own narratives from these components.

…As in previous work, Blightman is interested in examining the subjectivity of ‘mental space’ and the transformations of information that occur in any process attempting to articulate it.

Blightman will also be producing a small printed publication containing various texts written by the artist over a period of several months, along with a new collection of limited edition work which will be on sale through the gallery website.

International Project Space is open Wednesdays 12 – 7pm & Thursday-Saturday 12– 5pm, and located at BIAD School of Art Bournville.

IPS Film Programme Fri, 05 Nov 2010 08:54:17 +0000 [Read more...]]]> International Project Space have launched a new programme of moving-image exhibitions beginning on 10 November and running through until 17 December. Curated by a selection of three invited curators, each has proposed a programme that draws on aspects of their current research.

ITWAN: curated by Jay Sanders
10 – 20 November (Opening reception 10 November)

a film document of an evening performance event at New York’s Sculpture Center collectively titled Inchoative Listening & Centerless Portrayal, featuring artists and musicians including Yuji Agematsu, Mother Earth, Tom Kovachevich, Tom Thayer and Circuit Des Yeux.

CRIPPLED SYMMETRY: curated by Christoph Gallois
24 November – 4 December (Opening reception 24 November)

Crippled Symmetry, borrows its title from a text by composer Morton Feldman in which he draws parallels between the form of his own musical approach and the dissymmetry found in woven carpets from the Middle East in which complex arrangements of space unfold.

EXODUS: curated by David Bussel
8 – 17 December (Opening reception 8 December)

Exodus brings together works by several artists and collectives who ‘investigate the meanings of and relations between (artistic) labour, thought and praxis.’

International Project Space #25 & #26 Thu, 16 Sep 2010 11:58:46 +0000 [Read more...]]]> radio IPS 87.8 fm

Radio IPS, will be taking over the airwaves on 87.8FM, broadcasting live from 20 – 25 September, at 12 to 5pm each day. Daily contributions will feature the following independent art organisations;

Monday: Capsule
Tuesday: Pro Choice
Wednesday: The Island
Thursday: Caribic Residency
Friday: Formcontent
Saturday: Longmeg (live)

Inernational Project Space’s next project is ‘MORROR’, at the School of Art Bournville.

This Michael Krebber and Michaela Eichwald exhibition opens Wednesday 7 October, 5 – 7pm, and will run until 6 November, opening Wednesdays at 12 – 7pm and Thursday to Saturday at 12 – 5pm.

Admission is free, contact 0121 331 5763 or visit for more information.

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Formats for Books Fri, 30 Apr 2010 15:46:25 +0000 [Read more...]]]>

Formats for Books: Hyphen Press and design publishing is an exhibition at International Project Space, which is at the Birmingham Institute of Art & Design. Here’s what it’s all about:

This exhibition focuses on a fundamental factor in making and publishing books: format. What size should the pages of a book be given? The question raises all the considerations of publishing. Who will read this work? And where? How will it be made? With what paper? By which printer? On which press? How does it connect to the other books we publish? What is the happiest size for these pictures and this text?

To see it for yourself, head to International Project Space before 8th May, and to catch a talk with typographer, publisher, critic, and author of numerous articles in the field of visual communication and typography, Robin Kinross, get to the exhibition on Wednesday 5 May between 5.30 and 7pm.

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Zodiac 3000 Mon, 05 May 2008 10:41:08 +0000 [Read more...]]]>

BiNS flagged up a story in the Birmingham Mail the other day entitled “Fury over car art” about Bournville residents’ outrage over a wrecked Mercedes on display outside the Bournville Centre for Visual Arts.

The car references Crash, the novel by JG Ballard, and is part of an exhibition called Zodiac 3000 taking place at the International Project Space, transformed for the duration into the J.G. Ballard Centre for Psychopathological Research, “an institute built to interrogate the New Psychology explored in Ballard’s fiction”.

Unofficial Ballard website has reported on this and they reproduce the exhibition’s press release. They’ve also picked up on the Mail’s article.

It’s a brave move by the IPS. As their exhibition curator, Andrew Hunt, tells the Mail “Ballard is fixated with white, middle-class suburbs, which Bournville is”. A willingness to upset the residents of an area well known for it’s Quaker-derived standards, and all in the name of art, must take some courage.

The exhibition continues until 31 May and the Centre is open Monday to Saturday, 12pm to 5pm (7pm on Wednesday).
