inkygoodness Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 inkygoodness 32 32 Beermat Characters & The Poop Deck Project Wed, 29 May 2013 12:34:47 +0000 [Read more...]]]> We last wrote about the Beermat Character project by Inkygoodness in August last year, and since then it has been joined by Ammo Magazines Poop Deck project, has been exhibited at the Coningsby Gallery in London and is now online for all to see, and buy. There are many Midlands artists in the exhibition, including Ed J.brown, Michelle Turton and Jim Rogers.

Inky & ammo

If you don’t know much about the Birmingham born project then watch the following video’s below that show the framing process by The Framers based in the Custard Factory, the print process of the Poop Deck Project playing cards and a video showing the exhibition space transformed from an empty gallery to a busy launch night.

Inkygoodness: Framing Beermats from Inkygoodness on Vimeo.

The Poop Deck Project printing process.

Inkygoodness: Beermat Characters + The Poop Deck Project Launch from Inkygoodness on Vimeo.


SKETCH Brum with Inkygoodness Mon, 17 Sep 2012 08:00:57 +0000 [Read more...]]]>

As part of the Eye Candy Festival, an oh so tasty Birmingham celebration of graphic design and illustration, the grand folk of Inkygoodness have announced the details of their open event, entitled SKETCH Brum. Looking to get canvas dressers of all sorts together, this will be a chance for you come down with your pencils and get sketching alongside other illustrators and have a jolly good time.

Being held on 13th October in the French styled Le Truc, the days line up includes:


Come & join us for an afternoon of drawing, networking and beer drinking with local creatives – just bring your sketchbook!


Brothers of the Stripe will be taking to the walls of Le Truc to collaborate on a large scale artwork in front of a live audience! A collective of 9 UK based image makers, who collaborate on projects across the UK combining art, illustration & graphic design, B.O.T.S members include Kris Jones, Mr the Beef & Mister Millerchip.

DJ’S // 3PM – 8PM


We will also be joined by Ammo Magazine who will be launching an exciting new Illustration Project. More information coming soon…

So on top of getting a chance to rub elbows with local illustrators while you shuffle your pencils, there will also be some of the best local talent doing their thing on large scale; very exciting to see what the outstanding Ammo Magazine has up their sleeve. Check out the mysterious details on the post below…

For more details on the whole day have a click here.

Links for 17th August Fri, 17 Aug 2012 09:53:00 +0000 [Read more...]]]> After our earlier post about volunteering we’ve learnt of two more opportunities; Espirito Brum and Irish in Birmingham are celebrating Brazilian and Irish culture respectively.

After successfully taking The Flyover Show to South Africa earlier this year Soweto Kinch brings it back to it’s Hockley roots.

Also tomorrow Six Summer Saturdays continues with NoFit State Circus, If Only I Could… and The Caravan Show.

Today see the deadlines for the Eye Candy visual art commissions & inkygoodness‘ beer mat illustration. The deadline for Open West Midlands is tomorrow.

Pointe Blank, Fake Magazine, Inkygoodness Tue, 06 Mar 2012 08:29:07 +0000 Pointe Blank and Fake Magazine are doing a thing at 6/8 Kafe on Saturday from 2pm. Inkygoodness will be there with their Beermat Character Competition too. I reckon I’ll be popping down for this one, so maybe see you there.

Pointe Blank and Fake

Links for 29 July 2011 Fri, 29 Jul 2011 09:52:37 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • What’s good in Brum? :: Loaf Online
    “Two days in a row this week I was asked for recommendations for food things happening in Birmingham […] Here’s my response”
  • Details of new Birmingham food festival unveiled
    On the subject of food – “The 10-day celebration of food will take place from October 14-23 and replaces the former Taste of Birmingham festival, which was held in the summer”
  • Muthers Studio – New Venue on Rea Street | Digbeth is Good
    “The opening of the Conservatory @ Muthers was celebrated last Friday with an inaugural gig headlined by Evil Alien, who did a stonking set to a pretty much full house”. Recording studio and now music venue
  • I’m a Celebrity Get me to a Birmingham City Council Event
    An FOI request shows how much the council has spent on celebrity speakers since 2005. I’m pleased to say that the only one of these that I saw was also the most expensive. Getting value for my council tax, there.
  • A very funny Englishman in New York
    John Oliver, that fella from The Daily Show, is from Birmingham. A star on Broad St surely beckons.
  • Claire Hartley – Inkygoodness Character Totem Home-coming
    “On Thursday I excitedly popped down to the new Zellig building (nr Custard Factory) for the launch of Inkygoodness Character Totem home-coming”
  • Video Cuts – Sky Arts At Birmingham Home Of Metal
    A long trailer/short feature about the exhibition
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    Character Totem Sun, 10 Jul 2011 08:12:35 +0000 Character Totem

    Character Totem – the launch event, exhibition and flyer all look ace.

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