imagineer productions Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 imagineer productions 32 32 Those theatre pledge cards Wed, 03 Feb 2010 12:18:08 +0000 [Read more...]]]> I was in Coventry at the Institute for Creative Enterprise (home to companies like Imagineer Productions, amongst others) when I spotted the Stan’s Cafe theatre pledge cards sitting in a tidy pile on the reception desk.

The process by which they came to be there is quite compelling and seems to have gone something like this:

  1. Attend talky get-together
  2. Have idea
  3. Take action

Whether they achieve their stated aim or not doesn’t matter. If nothing else they stand as evidence that 2 (coming out of 1) can lead to 3.

Tangent – this reminds me of the bit in Scott McCloud’s utterly excellent Understanding Comics that talks about the action all happening between the panels.

Deborah Mingham Tue, 16 Sep 2008 08:39:20 +0000 [Read more...]]]>

Deborah Mingham is a freelance artist and costume designer/maker.

She graduated from UCE Fine Arts degree course and has gone on to work with Shoi Productions, Friction Arts, the Godiva Carnival (see pic above), Pentabus and Kindle Theatre.

These Punch & Judy costumes, produced for Imagineer Productions and inspired by Rab C Nesbitt and Tony Clifton, are particularly good:

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