ideal skate supply Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 ideal skate supply 32 32 Links for 20 April 2010 Tue, 20 Apr 2010 12:32:34 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • New ideas for Cinderella
    A Q&A with David Bintley about his new production for Birmingham Royal Ballet
  • April Meet ’em Up | Birmingham – 28 April
    The get-together for WM-based folks in the games industry rolls into Birmingham
    “yo, i’ve been running a little tape label for a short while now, im using this to post about releases, as well as put up interviews and writings that might be turned into an annual zine!!”
  • Project Pigeon News « We Are Eastside
    An update on goings on at the pigeon loft
  • Ideal Skateboard Supply
    The skate shop in the Custard Factory. I like their blog
  • Best Believe – Vans film premiere in Birmingham
    Amy says – “Just peeped this over at Ideal Skate Supply, looks like they have secured a screening of the Vans film just out. This is a high coo by any standard. The film will be shown at the shop down at The Custard Factory on 24th April”
  • Spaghetti Gazetti: Martineau 10 – the fight continues
    “This is a campaign which is trying to save the Martineau Centre, a building which belongs to Birmingham City Council on Balden Road”
  • Flip Animation Festival 2010 calls for submissions
    “FLIP, and the festivals organisers, would like to invite animators to submit animated films of up to 15 minutes in length”
  • The City Dream
    “A blog dedicated to reviewing and commenting on all things “arts” by a city life lad. Dedicated to theatre, modern / classic art, fashion, dance and all things cosmopolitan”
  • Moseley Folk Festival 2010 – Stewards
    “We are looking for a team of friendly faces to help during the festival. In return for two shifts of stewarding you can free entry for the whole weekend”. Get the form here
  • City of Culture – Talk to us |
    Some follow up from the post where I had a look at Birmingham’s City of Culture related stuff (unfortunately what I intended as discursive has been taken as criticism)
  • Digbeth is Good » Getgood Link: YouTube – CELLAR DOOR 2
    Nicky’s right, this does start off looking like something from a horror film. It’s the trailer for the new Rainbow venue
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