hotel chocolat Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 hotel chocolat 32 32 The great mince pie bonanza Fri, 02 Dec 2011 14:12:38 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Last night I tweeted this:

By going to the right events around Brum, I reckon a determined ligger could score free mince pies every day between now and the 25th

That was after reading about yet another event using the Christmas foodstuff to tempt people along – it’s become the audience development snack of choice.

However, I feel the need to back that up a bit (and you never know, I might even be right) so here are the mince pie-toting events I can recall off the top of my head:

1 Dec – Hotel Chocolat Christmas Shopping event. ‘Alternative’ mince pies – close enough. Obviously it’s too late to make it down now, but I hear they were good
2 Dec – The Art Bus
3 Dec – Open File – Site/Non-site OR How many quarters does Birmingham have?
3 Dec – Tom Baker says he and Jane Baker will be giving out free ones at Northfield Eco Centre

I’ll add to this list as and when I spot anything. If you know of any more (or if you’re organising an event and giving away mince pies) then let me know.

NB: I’m guessing most of the mince pies up for grabs are free, I might be very wrong about that. Take some cash with you just in case.
