guest bloggers Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 guest bloggers 32 32 Want to be a guest blogger on CiB? Mon, 31 Jan 2011 09:55:53 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Want to write something on CiB?

We get plenty of emails from people wanting to contribute to the blog but the answer’s always the same – put that stuff on your own blog and perhaps we’ll link to it. Mainly that’s because CiB’s always been about encouraging others to have their own outlets for expression.

We probably won’t be able to post everything but maybe this’ll turn into a regular thing. Or maybe we’ll give March over entirely to guest posts and never do it again. Who knows? Maybe we won’t get much of a response and we’ll forget this post ever happened.

Topics for discussion

That’s up to you, just don’t get us into too much trouble.

Maybe there’s an area we don’t do a very good job of covering, or something you want to have a rant about (opinions are good) or maybe there’s something that you know that you want to share.

You may know of an undiscovered portion of Birmingham that deserves a mention, or want to feature some amazing local talent you’ve come across. Maybe there’s a problem that’s not being addressed. Whatever you have to say, we’re open to ideas.


Text, video, photo – whatever suits you best.

A note about self-promotion

This isn’t an opportunity for some free press, advertising space or link spam. If you want to promote yourself/your clients then by all means advertise with us or get in touch with us in the usual way.

How to get involved

Simply click this link and fill out this form. At this stage we just want to know who you are and roughly what you’d like to talk about.

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