graphiquillan Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 graphiquillan 32 32 More thoughts on Birmingham – Capsule’s advice and ‘Beigingham’ Sat, 06 Dec 2008 19:20:01 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Lisa and Jenny from Capsule gave their thoughts on the Big City Plan to Night Times Newspaper, concentrating on the development of Digbeth. Here’s what they said:

Currently our success has happened in spite of the city rather than because of it,  just think what could be achieved if we worked together.  Travelling frequently to other cities these are some suggestions to make Digbeth blossom as a cultural quarter:

  • Why do people get on planes and trains to come to Supersonic – because we offer them a totally unique experience of the highest quality.  There is a real opportunity to acknowledge what makes Birmingham a unique city and invest in independent and niche activity.  Steer clear of a homogenised approach – learn from those that do it well and have a track record.
  • Lets learn from other cities like Berlin, Glasgow and Manchester and take risks with our empty buildings – an opportunity to invest in content to be housed in these empty spaces to animate the area, lets not be so precious i.e. noise restrictions – creativity is often loud and messy lets embrace and celebrate this.
  • Encourage more creative companies to have the opportunity to be able to buy their own buildings rather than be tied to short-term leases.
  • Create flexible spaces that can house a variety of activity which changes from week to week, this will keep the area vibrant.
  • Don’t just invest in a couple of landlords this creates a monopoly.
  • Lets get the basics right – look at infrastructure: cash points, post offices, signage, and streetlights.
  • Think about the visitors experience as well as what its like to work in this area, lets make it the highest quality experience – currently feels like quite an intimidating, unfriendly area.
  • Creative quarters need to grow organically, invest in supporting growth rather than imposing structured ideas of what you think creativity should be.
  • Remember areas develop over time not over night.

Meanwhile, Shona McQuillan (Graphiquillan) has thrown in her 2p on ‘the recent stirrings’ and ends with what she calls ‘The Break Free Manifesto’:

  • No logo
  • Evolution is imperative and the need for it must be acknowledged and respected by official bodies.
  • It’s not about self-interest – it embraces all who trade, visit, consume or adore. It brings elements together where it makes sense to do so – it’s more about healthy benevolence, but allows those who should benefit to do so.
  • It’s not about the establishment. It recognises many forms of creativity: art, music, dance, theatre, multimedia, skate culture, tattoos, grafitti et al.
  • It recognises that the state’s not going to do this and that those most qualified to do so, the city’s creatives, are the leads on this.
  • Break free. Time to do it ourselves?

Dr Sketchy’s Anti-Art School Sun, 02 Nov 2008 20:33:31 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Shona McQuillan (graphiquillan) asks (and answers):

How much fun can you have with burlesque, beer and a pencil? I’m soon going to find out, as I’ve booked for the Dr. Sketchy’s Birmingham event at the Island Bar in November.

That event is on Saturday 15 November, 4-7pm at Island Bar at the Victoria Pub slightly behind Island Bar (it’s proving popular apparently, hence the move to the slightly larger venue).

Here’s the flyer:

There was a Dr Sketchy’s meet-up in Birmingham the other week where the Floozie in the Jacuzzi was used as the subject of a life drawing.  I reckon that counts as a piece of quite commendable genius.

Pics from that meet are up on Flickr.  If you’re interested but think your drawing isn’t quite up to scratch then check out the work in that Flickr set – I get the sense that fun and enthusiasm are more important (and I

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Links for 18th October Sat, 18 Oct 2008 18:29:21 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • shameless self promotion (for a good cause) « graphiquillan
    Please go and vote for Shona’s beautiful design. It’s so quick to do and you’ll be supporting Birmingham’s creativeness. Please. Go on
  • 4Talent Central Film Weekender
    As part of the Hello Digital festival the local 4Talent folk have put together some film events at the Electric Cinema. On Friday there are 5 films from the annual Horrorfest competition. Saturday sees Pixar’s Michal Makarewicz introducing WALL-E (in high def). Sunday returns to horror with 28 Days Later, followed by a debate on the future of digital film
  • YouTube – ArtsFest2008’s Channel
    ArtsFest has a YouTube channel for the 2008 events
  • Punch – News – MOBO 2008 nomination for Punch!!!
    Ammo from Punch was nominated for a BeMOBO award which honours an individual or organisation making a difference in the community. He was pipped to the post by Ricky McCalla in the end but a round of applause is due nonetheless
  • Twitter / punchrecords
    Punch have joined Twitter, by the way
  • Big Cat Group on Hello Digital
    Big Cat give an overview of the events happening next weekend (Thurs – Sun) at Hello Digital
  • Digbeth is Good- Sunday Xpress this Sunday at the Adam & Eve
    Promising not only “singers, poets, comedians, strange music-makers and rattlesnakes” but “free roast potatoes and good cheer” too. Sounds splendid
  • Animation Forum WM – Eight Eyed Sea Bass in Profile
    Interesting interview with Paul and Dom from Eight Eyed Sea Bass. Covering topics like the London/regions divide, funding/support for animators and current/future projects. Having seen it, I can also confirm that they have a “bloody nice studio”
  • D’log – 10th Birmingham Tolkien Fest
    Pencil in 16-17 May 09 if the thought of a Tolkein Fest makes you go weak at the knees. If not, don’t
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    What’s in a logo? Fri, 12 Sep 2008 08:46:26 +0000 [Read more...]]]> This quote from Graphiquillan stuck with me and has given D’log food for though too:

    I’m often frustrated by the stamp of the council’s logo on everything creative that is sanctioned. Whenever I see that logo, there’s a switch that flips in my mind, and (probably unfairly) signals to me: “Hmmm, probably a bit dull. Move along.”

    Would this logo:

    turn you off from an arts event?  Do the council need to tag everything they touch?  Aren’t they entitled to let us know when they get behind something cultural?

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    Thoughts on Birmingham’s Creative Director Thu, 11 Sep 2008 15:12:02 +0000 [Read more...]]]>

    Creative Republic managed to snatch victory from defeat the other night – the star turn couldn’t make the ‘Creative Masterclass with Michael Wolff‘ so instead we were given a chance to ponder what the Birmingham’s presentation of our very important (as we’re constantly being told at the mo) creative scene.

    Stef Lewandowski kicked things off with a pretty scathing presentation of Birmingham from a tourist-eye view.  He had walked the city, camera in hand, trying (and generally failing) to find signs of creativity. He’s keen to point out that his negativity was slightly exaggerated but it was interesting that the vast majority of his criticisms went unchallenged.

    Stef’s presentation is online.  The slides are good quality but you’ll have to excuse the audio in places:

    Sat in groups, we were then given the chance to chew over some of the points raised before reporting back to the rest of the class people there.

    The chat has continued away from the event though.

    • As well as uploading the slides and audio, Stef has put up a blog post called ‘A creative director for Birmingham?‘ with many of the photos used, text to explain them and a few extra thoughts too.  The comments following his post are worth a read too.
    • Graphiquillan wasn’t at the event but the subject of Stef’s talk chimed with her, prompting musings on the subject of ‘finding the creative needles in Birmingham’s haystack‘.
    • Paul Groves’ post ‘Creating a stir in Birmingham‘ rounds up the thinking and suggests that despite “a lack of clarity and vision in recent times” we now seem to be getting “the sort of lively and informed discussion that is long overdue”.
    • Dave Harte has picked up Stef’s theme on his Birmingham Post blog with ‘Birmingham – The Uncreative City?‘ suggesting that, as well as making some good moves in rejuvenating the city, mistakes have been made – privatising public spaces, pricing out independent retail and approving uninspiring architecture.

    The idea is for some of the thoughts collected over the course of the evening (and since) to go towards informing a future event with Michael Wolff and perhaps a submission to the Big City Plan itself.  There’s still plenty of time for anyone to join the discussion.

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    Links for July 23rd Wed, 23 Jul 2008 16:44:25 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • Graphiquillan – tea break painting | process
    The joy of artists’ blogs – I like seeing the process behind/around the finished work. This is “the journey from sketch to almost finished study for a future painting”
  • stitches and hos have a blog
    “For now here’s a picture of a knitted fish blanket that I love”.  A blog for the Birmingham chapter of the alt/nu/anti/un-knitting phenom. Ok, so ‘un-knitting’ doesn’t work as a descriptor.
  • 7 Inch Cinema – Knitflicks
    More knitting-related action with photos from the weekend’s event in this gallery
  • Supersonic 07 live recording – Oxbow Duo perform ‘Loves Holiday’
    After the success that was Supersonic 08, Capsule have released their first piece of vinyl on a limited run of 1000. I thought they were meant to be putting their feet up…
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